Rap Monster

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Your POV

"We love each other and that's all that matters! I don't give a damn about what you think!" I screamed at my parents.

"You're making a mistake y/n," my mother warned. "This will ruin your reputation-"

I scoffed "No, it won't. Even if it did, that's not what you care about. You two only care about your reputation. I don't give two shits about my reputation! I'm going to him."

My father sighed. "You don't know what you're doing y/n. If you go to him, we'll disown you."

"...Then consider yourselves childless."

I walked out of the house making sure to slam the door as hard as I could and got into my car, driving off to the direction of my love.

Wanna know what happened? Basically, I've been living with my boyfriend Namjoon for the past 3 years. My parents were living in America as I continued my studies here and they had no idea until 3 days ago when they came back. They don't like Namjoon.

Namjoon has a "bad reputation" he has to put up with. It's what his management wants him to do.  Since he has to keep up with this image, it shows many people a bad side of him.

But I don't give a fuck. 

Namjoon is my everything. I can't imagine a life without him. After meeting Rap Monster I feel complete.

I walked into the apartment I share with him and he immediately hugged me. "How did it go Jagi?"

"They disowned me," I plainly stated.

He looked at me. "What!?! Your parents disowned you!?! Because of me!"

I shrugged. "It's really not a big deal. If they actually had any real feelings for their only child they would at least try being a little considerate. Plus it's not like I'm losing anything by having them disown me. I'd be losing something if we didn't work out."

Namjoon kissed my forehead. "We'll never lose this and you'll never lose me because I love you forever and always."

"I love you too. Let's go sleep."


Just a little short fluff that was inspired by 'Bad Reputation' by Shawn Mendes. My best friend is sleeping over because it's our 1 year friend-iversary. She's writing a book on Wattpad that she made in honor of me and I'm writing like 6 books at a time.

ALSO I'm starting a BM from K. A. R. D. fanfiction called 'Don't Recall'. How many of you would actually read it though? 

Love you xxx- Llama Devil

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