Everest at age 12 (prologue)

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Dear Diary,
Mom was being a ass again and I still don't know why, Landon and Aaron were telling her to knock it off and leave me alone but she never listens. Daddy tells her to be "good" but she never listens. She is so nice to Landon and Aaron but not me! She hit me again and tried to come back to hit me again but Landon being the oldest and over protective brother he is jumped in front of me again and took the hits until she realized it wasn't me she was hitting.
I just want to disappear. I miss daddy. When he's here everything is fine and normal and I feel like I have a mom again.
School was a pain again. Ugh school what can I say about school? Those girls were talking crap again and I don't even know why they don't like me. I'm getting okay grades I guess. I'm done for today.


Soooooooo... did you guys like it? I mean I know it's short and I was just so excited I couldn't wait for next week to update.


Some of my favorite authors like to play little games with their readers and I like it so I want to play one with you. Who ever answers the riddle first correctly will get a chapter dedicated to them! Starts on chapter one!

Rules: You can only get 1 chapter dedicated to you. That's about it.

Please continue to read my story and I hope you enjoy


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