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Well I'm bored and no one is commenting the answer sooooo yeah.... it's 10:18am and I'm bored since there isn't school today...anyway this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Lizzy itsAutumnlol check out her new book while you wait for updates on mine!


"Okay you two you know the rules, as long as I let you stay here no PDA."

"Yeah we know Mrs.Nive" we said.

As she was leaving we turned and faced each other.

"Why can't you just tell him already?"

"You know exactly why I can't Cyrus"

"I want to be able to hold your hands in the hall and walk you to your classes. I want everyone to know your mine! Especially him."

"I promise I'll tell him when the time is right."

"Ugh FINE!" Cyrus said as he stood up and walked out.

"Good bye to you too sunshine!"

Just as he walks out I get a text message.

Luke: Where are you? I've been looking everywhere for you.


Sooooooo this is weird right? 2 updates in one day... who is the mysterious person? I know I know it's the shortest chapter in the world but this is important.



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