38 days left

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I don't know. Something seems off. Oh yeah I know what it is now. Him! THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT!

"I hate you, I hope you know that."

"You know you love me and I'm just trying to protect you."

"I don't need your protection, what am I, three?"

"Don't come crawling to me when he hurts you."

"Oh trust me I won't because he won't since you didn't give him my number! How am I supposed to talk to him now! Let alone text him!"

"Sometimes you don't know what's good for you sometimes Mount, I-" he starts before I cut him off.

"I'm not 4 Lucas." I draw out.

"That's not what I me-"

"Don't talk to me you jealous freak, I don't want to see you tomorrow." I say "And by the way, don't bother waiting to take me home after school, I'm going to class now."


Of course I felt bad about what I said to Luke but I just can't believe him. Who does he think he is telling me all that stuff. I just want to make up with him and for-

*Door bell going off*

I look through the peephole but regret it as soon as I do. I am so glad that all the lights in the house are turned off (well with the exception of my room but my curtains don't show light through).

There on my porch was a guy in his mid thirties, holding an flashlight and a bat. He was well built and looked scary as hell.

He knocks again, "COMING", I answer in a manly voice, well the manliest I can manage. While stomping my feet and turning on the light while doing so. And look through the peephole to see the guy had left.

Needless to say I have done this before and this is actually the seventh time this has happened in the past two weeks. Creepy thing is that they all look exactly like the men my mom brings home.

This is the second one that has came tonight.

I let out a breath and start going up the stairs when,

*door bell going off again"

As I open the door this time hoping for it not to be that weird guy, or any other weird guy, he walks right in.

"Mount I'm sorry I know I stepped over the line. I swear I'll never do anything like that again!" Luke says.

"Lukes, it's fine. I will forgive you if you just please stay the night." I plead.

"Is there a particular reason why?"

"There has been guys that have been trying to rob the house lately and they look like the guys my mom sleeps with."

"Don't worry Mount I have your back."

"Oh thank you so much! Go up to my room and make yourself comfortable, you still have clothes here from the last time we were in this situation. I'm going to get snacks and meet you up there."

"Okay" he agrees.

He starts making his way up the stairs while I go in to the kitchen.

~30 minutes later~

I was walking to the stairs when the front door gets unlocked and walks in a drunk lady I call "mom". While walking up the stairs and ignoring her, I suddenly feel my hair getting pulled back. I yelp and stubble trying to keep the food and drinks balanced.

She starts hitting me and I throw my hands in the air to block her hits. We stubble into a vase and it knocks over.




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