Burnt to black

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Later that day....

I woke up to the sound of the ringtone blaring in my room. Lazily lifting myself on my arms and pushing my body ahead as I got my iPhone from the table. Janet.

"What is it Janet?" I asked her, my voice hoarse as I sat up on my bed.

"Sir you have your meeting tomorrow at morning 10 a.m. So, I called you to inform you." She told me.

"Okay anything else?" I asked checking my table clock, woah!3 hours have passed seriously time is running on wheels now-a-days.

"Nothing else. have a good day Sir" she wished.

"Same to you Janet." I returned, as I fall again on my bed, my head hitting the pillow.


After 4 hours.

I woke up something at 8 p.m. Well I slept a lot today. I got up from my bed, and headed towards my bathroom. Quickly freshening up I came out, my stomach churning, telling me to consider it. I was hungry. I went in the kitchen to find a note on the refrigerator stating 'Champ I will be back I forgot to bring broccoli from the supermarket. I will back in an hour. food is in the micro-wave.' Seriously Nancy still considers me as a champ. Smiling I opened the fridge and took a blubbery juice and opened the microwave only to see my favorite white cheese pasta. WOW!

Quickly heating the food, I grabbed the bottle of chilled water and sat on the island devouring it.

After I was done, I prayed my Isha salah, then sat on the armchair surfing through my iPhone.

I was going through the news when my iPhone's screen changed showing 'Rafa calling'

I pick up the call, only to be greeted with ......yelling?

"Assalamualaikum Rafa. Are you alright?" I asked, smiling coyly.

"Walaikumasalam. How dare you Asad? How can you? you bloody didn't inform me that you are coming to California and on the top of it you are staying at your flat. I mean why didn't you came to our house? You know we all are upset because of you, dad too felt bad when he came to know about your where about's from Zayn Chachu. " He complained.

" Calm down Rafa...Calm down." I said, smiling at my friend but then again you won't go barging in to someone's house like that, even if it's your best friend's house. I was supposed to tell him about my visit tomorrow but then again it is not necessary that everything goes according to you, right? I never meant to upset anyone.

"what calm down? Asad you are only elder by a mere year but-" I cut his ranting scolding off

"I was going to inform tomorrow Rafa, I can't barge in to your house like that. It doesn't look good" I tried to reason him.

"OHHO! that means if I come to India, I am not supposed to visit your house rather stay in a hotel is that what you mean?" he questioned me. Now again, who am I talking to, Mr. Rafa Rehan Mallick, he always has a way with his words.

"Okay Rafa. You won okay. I am sorry." I apologized.

"That's good man. Anyways be ready as soon as I leave my office, I am coming to pick you up." he said as I heard him typing on his keypad.

"whoa pause Rafa pause! Look I am not ready yet and even Nancy has done the preparation for the dinner tonight so don't bother coming today. How about tomorrow? I have a meeting with Mr. Collins than I would come directly at your bungalow. What say?" I asked, but felt like I just reported to him.

"Hmm... sounds good. I will be home tomorrow. Okay, do come." he replied.

"Insha'Allah Rafa. Just make sure Uncle and aunty doesn't" beat me tomorrow. ha-ha" I joked, laughing.

Mine (2): {My moon: denyingly his}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu