Meeting again

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Next morning...

I got up at 7 a.m. as my alarm broke my chain of sleep. I quickly rushed out of the bed and in to the bathroom. After I was done with my shower, I dressed in to a fine Armani black suit. I checked my iPhone to see if there are any new mails received. Janet had sent me the place and timing of the meeting. Gathering my wallet, handkerchief and my iPhone I went out of my room. Nancy had already kept my breakfast on the dining table. I pulled my chair back as it makes a screeching sound and sat on it. Hearing the sound of screeching Nancy came out of the kitchen smiling brightly.

"Good morning Nancy." I wished her and started munching on cereals.

"Good morning Asad. What would you like to have for lunch?" she asked.

"Actually Nancy, I won't be here for the lunch. So, don't bother for it." I informed her.

After I was done with my breakfast, I bid a good-bye in Nancy's direction and headed out. Landon as usual was waiting for me in the car. I waved at him and he pulled the car out of the parking lot. Once I got in the car, I informed him about the address of restaurant. Later on, I called Janet to know if everything is fixed to which she replied positively. Within fifteen minutes we reached the restaurant through the drive way. I was half hour early as I entered the restaurant Rafa called me. I picked it up on the second ring.

"Assalamualaikum." I heard him greet.

"Walaikumasalam, how come you called early in the morning?" I asked him, sitting on the sofa chair.

" Did I interrupted in between the meeting?" he asked.

"NO, why?" I questioned curiously.

"Actually, dude when I told mom and dad yesterday that you would be coming here, they got happy and as for now mom is like constantly nagging me to ask you at what time you will be coming as well as what you would be having for the lunch?" he blabbered nonchalantly.

"Hmm... I will be there by 12 p.m. and tell aunty that she can make as she pleases but do tell her I want ajar ka halwa for sweet dish. Okay " I answered his question, motioning the waiter.

"Alright Asad" with that he hung-up.

"Yes sir?" the waiter asked. He was having brown hairs and some- what grey eyes.

"Get me one expresso" I ordered. " sure sir" he replied and scurried away.

After I had my expresso, I went through the newspaper kept in front of me. It was past 9:45 a.m. and Mr. Collins was no were to be seen. Well let's see that he makes it on time because I don't appreciate late comers. Time is money you know.

When there was only 5 minutes left for 10 a.m. I saw Mr. Collin come in through the glass doors. He skillfully walked with the large steps confidently towards my table. As he approached me, I stood up as he greeted me " Mr. Asad Sufiyan " and proposed a hand forward for handshake which I brightly shook with mines.

"Thanks for coming here Mr. Sufiyan from India." he thanked, another man nearly aged 30 approached our table. He was an African with dark black curly hairs.

" Mr. Sufiyan meet Christian, he is a qualified and well-known architect and would be working for you, for the structure and layout of the hotel." he mentioned introducing Christian and we did the handshake part.

"So, Christian have you prepared any sample projects for the hotel?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir I had visited the land where you want to build this hotel, so I have 4 sample layouts projects for your hotel" he said, as he started to show me layouts.

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