Shiro X Reader

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"Paladins! Move out!" Allura called above the speaker. You lifted your head with a yawn, not quite used to this yet. it had been at least 3 days sense you became part of Voltron's team and gotten your Bayard, it turned into (F/C) ninja stars.  You quickly jumped up and snatched your (F/C) Suit, and put it on, making a run for the control center.

"Another test?" Lance groaned, still in Pjs. "Yes, and only Shiro and (Y/N) managed to be here in uniforms. Shiro looked at you and smiled, "Good job" his cheeks flushed a reddish pink before disappearing quickly. you blinked, your cheeks just a little pink. "Thank you, Shiro" You responded, hiding a wide smile. Shiro didn't stop looking at you until Pidge spoke up, "Can we sleep more?"
"No. you must train in your lions. (Y/N) you may accompany one other paladin of your choice. let's move!" You cast a quick glance at Shiro, feeling your face turn red.  Lance walked over and put his hand above you on the wall, "Hey uh, (Y/N), wanna come with me?" you blinked, frozen for a few seconds before getting out your Bayard with a quick snap of your wrist, and electrocuting him. "I'll go with Shiro. I'll probably be safer there"
"(Y/N)'s right. Shiro is the most safe person to be with on this team. he knows his lion's skills greatly" Pidge smiled, adjusting her glasses that hat tilted sideways as she had rushed out of bed. "Alright" Shiro nodded, "Let's go team!" He ran towards his lion, you followed with slight nervousness.

As Shiro piloted the black lion, you couldn't help but admire the sky. sure you were on a planet, but the sky looked like a whip of stars had flown across the sky. "It's pretty neat, huh?" Shiro asked as he dodged a beam from the Castle's defense systems. "Yeah.." you smiled, and when you looked at Shiro you could clearly see he was blushing. with a chuckle, you walked over and sat down in front of him, you were just small enough for him to put his chin on your head. You blushed harder as he wrapped his arm around you protectively. he swerved his lion in the air, dodging a beam that had gotten close, and you grabbed hold of his arm to steady yourself. Shiro looked down at you and blushed, "Uh.. (Y/N)..?" he asked, a small smile plastered on his face. "Yes?" you asked, looking up at him. "Well... I... um.." Shiro had never been so nervous before. he was normally so cool and collected. You reached up and kissed his chin, making him blush like a maniac. "I like you too" you chuckled, and blushed hard as he quickly had you in a kiss.

Hehe. kinda cheesy but oh well! Hope you enjoyed it c:

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