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These stories are not in any order so this short story you two aren't dating .


I flip the page of my book, enjoying the last page before I finish. As I was about to close my book I heard a loud thump upstairs. I set my book down and listen closely for another noise. There was a creak and the settle my suspicions, someone was upstairs. I silently walked up the stairs makings sure to keep the creaking down to a minimal. I looked into each room and found nothing. I made it to the last room, my room. I slowly entered, I made sure to look everywhere and I found nothing. I sighed and turned to leave.

"Hey," a floating figure said. I jumped and squeaked making the figure chuckle. I looked at it and notice it was Marshall. From the month I've known him I would have thought been used to his pranks, oh well.

"Haha omg you're so easy," he chuckled. I pouted and headed downstairs. Marshall followed behind me.

"May I help you Lee," I asked as I sat down on the couch.

"Yes and no," he said.

"Explain please," I asked

"Well I didn't have a reason besides scaring you but I've been thinking recently," he said as he floated around the room

"Oh god you have been thinking what serious shit have happened to you?" I joked

"Shut up, "he said with a pissed look," no I've been thinking of you a lot recently and I don't know why I was hoping you could help." I blushed, he doesn't know why? What an idiot

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked

"Well I can stand you more than gumball and everyone else would probably make fun of me," he said.

"Oh alright then what were you thinking about with me," I asked with a slight blush on my face.

"Well mostly it starts out with me being bored and you pop up in my head so then I get thinking and I think of things to do and say with you," he begins," then I think more into personal stuff like I think of your hair and how cute you are." I blushed at that "next things get kinda pervy and my head and I start to think of pushing you against a wa-"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I interrupted.

"What I'm a guy and I have needs" he joked. I awkwardly laughed. He floated down next to me on the couch and sat back chilling. "So what does it mean?"

Wow he is oblivious of a thing called emotion isn't he, I thought. " well it could just be you being a guy and I being your only girl friend besides Fiona," I stated," or it could be that you uhhh.... Like me more than a friend." I looked over at him as I said that. His head popped up at that, I guess it finally dinged in his head. He blushed a little then sat up more.

"Well ha, it can't be that I don't really have feelings for anyone so that can't be it," he said awkwardly. We sat there in awkward silence till he said his goodbyes and left.

Later that day I enjoyed some television, almost falling asleep. I heard a knock at the door.

"Damn," I said as I got up and headed to the door. I opened it up and saw Marshall standing, well floating, there. He was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and staring at the ground.

"Hey Marshall," I greeted. He looked up at me and gave a small grin. We sat in silence for a second. "Well uhhh imma go bye," I said as I began to close the door. It was stopped quickly by marshal's hand and before I could say anything I felt slight pressure on my lips. As soon as it was there it was gone along with Marshall.

I guess he figured out what it meant. I grinned as I closed the door.

Marshall Lee ( SHORT STORIES)Where stories live. Discover now