Part 12

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The next day.
Our photography club are almost done with the article.  I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. I kept on looking back at the photos that we took. It was fun last night. I kiss my camera thanking for the pictures. "Did anything happened yesterday? " Sadako asked. I shook my head hiding the photos. "Don't be shy. You always tell me everything! ! If you hide something from me I won't forgive you."
"'s a long story." I said blushing. I told Sadako and the others about everything from the beginning to the end.
Yuki hooted. "Gosh! You're a mess with all the guys hanging around you!" He cried. "I wanna see what happens next! You should thank Yuuya for putting you into this mess!"
I just ignored them. Remembering thaf I had to go meet the swimmers, I pack my things up and said goodbye to them only to be cheering back to me. I got to the dressing room. "Hi Rin!" I cried hugging him. He patted my head. "You're here to take pictures of the Iwatobi right?" He asked. I nodded. Rin sighed than gave me a sharky grin. "They are at the pool, Y/n. Go get them tiger." I thanked him running to the pool. Why am I so excited all of a sudden? Probably because of what happened last night.
I saw the swimmers at the pool. They are practicing I guess. I put my bag down on the bench. I decided to hold my camera instead of wearing it. "Hey guys!" I yelled running to the pool not realizing it was slippery.
Just when I was about to get close to the pool.
I slipped and was about to fall into the water until someone catched me.
Opening my eyes I saw Makoto. We were in a bridal style. He was standing in the water and I almost got wet. "This time I caught you." Makoto said. My camera?! Nagisa was holding it. "I caught it before it goes into the water!" Than he took a picture of Makoto and me.
Makoto gently put me on the ground and practice his backstroke. I couldn't stop replaying the memory of what happened.

(Thanks for reading guys! I haven't update this story for 2 days because I couldn't think of anything for the next story. But I'm back and I got some ideas!)

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