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"if someone is next to you,that's better be me,bae."

I chinned up and stared at her.Her petite oval face,those addicting soft and sweet lips,her sharp nose,her naturally long eyelash and her doll eyes,they are killing me softly inside

"Bae,I want to go homee."

I said half-whispering since we are in the library.

No response.

She was too focus reading her novel. I scoffed and leaned my back on the chair. While my eyes are roaming around the library,I saw a group of boys are whispering at each other while looking at our direction.

I felt slightly mad when they keep looking at our direction while smiling like an idiot.

"Babyy,I want to go homeee."

Now,I raised my voice a little and thankfully she heard me.

"Ohh,I'm sorry Chim Chim,I'm so into this just now,let me return this to the bookshelf,okay?"

She pinched my cheek softly and stand up.I just nodded my head without thinking twice.

I stood up and looked around again,I noticed that one of the boys left the group and headed to the bookshelf. The curiosity started to overwhelm me,so I decided to follow him.

I noticed that he followed Rhee Li and went next to her.

"Hi there."

"Oh hii."

"Borrow the books?"

"Oh no,I forgot to bring my card."

I saw she uncomfortably answering him.

"May I have your number?"

I'm done with this earsdropping and walked towards them

"911,don't forget to call me."

I weaved my hand on her waist and dragged her out of the library.

The traffic light shows red and that means stop. We are in the car right now until Rhee Li breaks the silence

"Chim Chimm."

She hold my hand and rubbed it to her cheeks. Arghh,those smooth fluffy cheeks that I always kiss.

I hummed in answer. I can't stand mad at her,she is an increadible woman.

"I'm sorry,I promise that I won't let any guys to approach me."

"It's okay,it's my fault also to leave you alone with that cabbage."

She laughed.

"Why are you calling him cabbage?"

"Because he looked like a cabbage."

"Are you still mad at me?"

Then,a bulb lighted up on my head.


"How can I get my Chim Chim back?"

I pointed my cheek and I noticed she smiled before leaned in. Her eyes widened when I turned my head and ended up she kissed me on my lips.

I caressed her cheeks and broke the kiss.

"If there is a guy next to you―"

I realised the traffic light turns green and I started to drive. I hold her hand and bring it to my lips.

"That better be me,bae."

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