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"it's a beautiful life, I'll always protect you,so we can be together,forever."

I stepped out of the bathroom while wiping my wet hair.

"Chim Chim." I heard she called me with a weak voice.

"Why aren't you go to sleep?"

"I can't."

"Why?" I sitted on the bed next to her shirtless.Then ,she rolled her body, back facing me.

"Since when you don't want to see me shirtless?"

"Jimin,I'm not in the mood with your silly jokes."

"Girls Red Flag Day."

Now,I understand why.

Usually,she always come to me and lay her head on my chest and always count heartbeat everytime she saw me shirtless.

I moved from the bed and put on my clothes.

I opened the door with a glass of warm water and a small bottle of hot massage oil in my hand.

I noticed her body is curled up on the bed. I turned on the night lamp and sit next to her.

"Bae―why are you crying?!"

I pulled her and engulfed her in my embrace

"I-it's h-hurt."

"Period pain?" She shyly nodded. I sighed in relieved,I thought there are something bad happened.

"Drink this first."

I handed her the water while the other hand wiped her tears stained . Then I motioned her to lay down and luckily she obeyed.

I lift up her shirt until it revealed her lower belly. I noticed she hid her face with pillow due to the embarrassment

I put some oil on her lower belly and rubbed it slowly,hoping for the pain will go away. After a few minutes,I noticed she stopped moving. I grabbed the pillow from her face and revealed her sleeping face.

My hand reached her face and caressed it lovingly.

"I like it when you sleep,you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it."

I put all the things on the table and slowly crawled on the bed.

I lift her head slowly and put it on my arm. I wrapped my other arm around her waist while my leg is on top of her.

Yeah,she is my bolster,alive bolster.

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