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The fall was the most terrifying thing you had ever experienced. One second you were walking down the hall, patrolling the humans' Heavens, and the next you were falling through the sky at the speed of light. You hit the ground with such force that the trees surrounding you shook and fell, their roots ripping like your wings had. 

You picked yourself up off the ground, lucky that you already had a vessel previous to the fall so you weren't just wandering around looking for somebody. You looked around, watching as all your brothers and sisters fell. Then you realized, maybe even the Angels in prison fell. You could go find Gadreel. Your old best friend. 

"This better be worth it." You muttered, healing your vessel as much as you could because the fall had made you weak. You walked through the woods, heading towards the sound of cars. You walked onto the side of the road, looking both ways for any sign of people. A car passed by, going too fast to notice you. 

You sighed, turning and beginning your trek down the road. You continued until you came across a small town, going to find a motel that you could stay in until you had enough energy to track Gadreel down. You stumbled into the lobby of the shabby motel, walking up to the front desk. 

"Hi there. How can I help you?" The woman at the desk asked cheerily. You pressed your palms against the desk, taking a deep breath. 

"I would like a room please. Just for a night or two." You said, reaching into your pocket and taking out your vessel's wallet. You had never taken it out, and now you were grateful for that. 

"Alright! A king or two queens?" She asked, her long fake nails tapping against the keyboard. You let out a breath, not having any idea what the old form of ruling had to do with your room. 

"Uh, a king?" You questioned, and she grinned before turning around a grabbed a room key. She handed it to you, and you looked down at the plastic that said 'Room 11'. 

"Your room is number 11. Just down the hall. Enjoy you stay." She said, and you almost commented on the lipstick on her teeth, but your feet were pulling you down the hall before you had the chance. You walked up to the door with the silver 11 on it, and opened the door. It was simple. A small table, a couch, a TV, a door leading to a bathroom, and one bed in the center of the room. You closed the door behind you, feeling something you'd never felt before. Fatigue. 

You peeled off your dirty, ripped clothes, promising yourself you would sleep after a shower. Turning on the water as hot as your vessel could handle, you stepped in and let the water wash all of the remnants of the fall. Every part of your body hurt, including your heart. You could hear all your brothers and sisters' cries of agony. You shut the Angel radio off as you stepped out of the shower, wrapping yourself in a fluffy white towel. You walked back into the hotel room, realizing just then that you didn't have any clean clothes. 

 "Oh no." You said, picking up your tattered shirt. You couldn't just walk around naked, it wasn't acceptable with the humans. Sighing, you opened your door and tiptoed down to the lobby, wearing nothing but a towel and an awkward smile. You walked back up to the receptionist woman, clearing your throat when she didn't immediately look up. 

"Oh my- Why aren't you.. wearing any clothes?" She asked, eyes widening at your lack of clothing. You sighed, leaning in. 

"I don't have any. I was wondering if you had any I could borrow. Anything would be appreciated." You said, and her face instantly turned sympathetic. She nodded, leaving the desk and going into a back room. She came back out, a pair of pants, a shirt, a bra, and even a pair of underwear in her hands. 

 "All of it is clean, I promise. You look to be about my size, so these should be fine." She said, handing them to you. You smiled at the human's kindness, knowing very well not all of them were this nice. 

 "Thank you. Thank you so much." You said, and she nodded. Smiling, you turned down the hall and walked back to your room, glad that no one had seen you. You shut the door behind you, before dropping the towel and changing into the clothes the receptionist had given you. It was a pair of leggings, a tank top, and a sweatshirt. Once you were finally dressed, you turned off the light and fell onto the bed, instantly falling asleep. 

Fallen- Sam Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now