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After a couple amazing, steamy hours with Sam, the two of you lay in bed. Sam's chest was pressed to your back, your fingers intertwined with his. He pressed kisses to your shoulders, neck, back, anywhere he could get. You were gazing at the scars down your wrists, wondering how Sam ever thought you were beautiful with them.

Sam must've noticed something was wrong, because a second later he spoke. "What's the matter?"

"Just.. my scars." You murmured, looking away from them. Sam sat up, and you rolled over to look at him. He tucked your hair behind your ear, a smile tugging at his lips.

"They only add to your beauty. They show what you've gone through, what you've conquered." He whispered, and you smiled up at him. He always knew just what to say.

"How did I get so lucky?" You asked, placing your hand on his neck. Sam smiled, chuckling lightly.

"Actually, I think I'm the one who got lucky." He countered, leaning down to kiss you. You kissed back, running your hands down Sam's back. He pulled away, smiling down at you.

"We should run away for the weekend. Just the two of us. A little mini vacation. Maybe it'll help you." Sam said, and you cocked an eyebrow.

"You think Dean'll let us?" You asked, already thinking of places to go. Sam shrugged.

"I don't see why not. If it helps you, Dean would be okay with it." Sam explained, laying down next to you. You rolled onto your side to look at him, pulling the blanket up to cover yourself.

"Okay. Where should we go?" You asked. Sam pursed his lips in thought, letting out a 'hmm' noise.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" Sam asked, looking at you. You smiled, shaking your head.

"You forget that I was an Angel. I've never seen anything on Earth before I fell. I don't know where we could go." You said, and Sam chuckled.

"True. I'll think of somewhere. We'll leave first thing tomorrow, okay?"


Sam sat up, drawing your attention to his unnaturally (You could say it's... *takes sunglasses off* Supernatural) attractive shoulders and back. "Well, I say we take a shower." Sam announced, turning to look at you.

"Together?" You asked, sitting up.

"Why not?" Sam shrugged.

"Alright. Let's go." You said, getting out of bed. Sam whistled at you, and you felt a blush rise up your cheeks. You turned to look at him, smiling.

"Speak for yourself, gorgeous. Come on." You said, walking into the bathroom. You turned on the shower, stepping in and letting the water run over your body. A few moments later, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a chin rested on your head. You smiled, leaning into Sam.

"Mm.. I love you." Sam murmured, kissing the top of your head. Your smile grew, and you put your hands on his.

"I love you, too. Even if you are freakishly tall." You replied, and Sam chuckled. The two of you did usual shower things, with a little making out, before getting out and getting into some clothes. Sam went to find the location of your weekend getaway, leaving you to wander around. You had to stay close to the library, though. Not all trust had been restored.

You brushed your fingers along the wall as you walked, letting your mind wander. You found yourself thinking about a life with Sam. Settling down, marriage, a family. As an Angel, you'd never had the chance to have that. Now that you were human, you could have it. And you wanted it. With Sam.

Sighing, you turned around and started making your way back to where the library was. Sam and Dean were both in there, Sam on his laptop and Dean eating a burger. You walked past them into the kitchen, your stomach grumbling loudly.

You opened the fridge, pulling out a case of strawberries. Sitting down, you opened the case and bit into a particularly sweet one. By the time Sam came into the kitchen, you had eaten half the box.

"Whoa, save some for the rest of us." Sam commented, sitting next to you. You looked up at him, lips stained red from the fruit.

"Sorry." You muttered, setting the strawberry down that you were about to bite.

"I was joking, sweetheart. Eat all the strawberries you want. We can always get more." Sam said, and you nodded.

"So, was there any reason you came in or did you just want to see me?" You teased, resting your chin in your palm. Sam chuckled, grabbing your hand.

"Both. I wanted to tell you that our weekend is all planned, and I also just wanted to see you." Sam smiled at you, showing those dimples that drove you crazy. You brushed your thumb against his hand.

"And am I allowed to know where we're going?" You asked, looking up at him. Sam smiled, shaking his head.

"No, sorry. I'm enjoying this whole surprise thing. You'll have to wait until we get there." Sam said, and you sighed.

"Alright, if you insist." You murmured, leaning in and pecking his lips. Sam chuckled, tucking your hair behind your ear.

A few minutes of silence passed, both of you lost in thought. Then you spoke.

"Sam?" You asked, looking at the table.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, playing with a strand of your hair.

"Do you see a life with me? Marriage? A family?" You asked, still not meeting his gaze. Sam didn't say anything for a minute, causing your stomach to twist into knots.

"Y/n.." He began, and you prepared yourself for the truth. That you were nothing more than a couple hours of pleasure, that he didn't actually love you, "I've never seen myself having those things. Hunting doesn't leave much time for family. But, when I met you, that all changed. So, yes. I do see those things with you."

You looked at him, shocked by his words. You hadn't expected that.

"I love you, y/n. And I do want those things with you." He said, and you grinned before leaning in and kissing him.

A/n: Hello my beautiful readers! I am so so sorry for the wait, I haven't had Wi-Fi so that slowed the whole thing down. I'm going to try to be better at updating, so be patient. I hope you enjoyed!!

P.s. I'm writing this on my phone so excuse any typos.

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