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    When Gadreel killed Kevin and then disappeared, you knew something was wrong. You were Gadreel's closest friend, and you were certain he would never do anything like this of his own free will (Team Free Will *wink wink*). Dean was devastated, and he felt responsible for Kevin's death. You had gotten close to Dean, and you wanted to do anything you could to help him with his pain. But you were human now, and that made you feel useless. 

  What was worse was when Gadreel disappeared, he took Sam with him. And it hurt you and Dean a lot. You both stayed up night after night, trying to track them down and get Dean's brother back. You had never needed sleep, so you thought it would be easy to stay up for days at a time. Boy were you wrong. All you could think about was your bed, and how much you needed it. 

  "Y/n?" Dean yelled, and your head shot up from where you had fallen asleep on the library table. You rubbed your eyes, sighing. 

 "Sorry Dean, I dozed off. I'm awake now." You said, a yawn interrupting your words. Dean looked at you sympathetically, pausing from his nonstop research. 

 "You can go get some sleep, you know. You don't need to help me." Dean commented, taking a sip of his beer. You shook your head, sipping the now cold coffee next to you. 

  "No, Gadreel was my friend. And Sam is my friend now. I need to help." You said, sighing. Dean just nodded, going back to his research. A moment later you did the same. 

  "Let's go get some sleep. We can continue later." Dean said, after watching you try to keep your eyes open for a few minutes. You looked up at him, blinking a few times. 

 "We don't have to do that, I'll be fine. I can keep researching." You said, and Dean shook his head. 

  "I forgot you're newly human, you're barely used to sleeping let alone not doing it for days on end. Plus, I could really use some sleep too. Let's take a break." Dean said, standing up. You nodded, standing up and following him down the hall until you reached your room. 

 "Good night, Dean." You said, and he said it back before walking to his own room. You shut the door behind you and collapsed onto your bed, falling asleep before your head hit the pillow. 

   You woke up to the smell of something delicious, but you had no idea what it was. Getting out of bed, you followed the scent to the kitchen, where Dean was cooking. "What is that?" You asked, looking at the sizzling brown strips. 

 "It's bacon, and it's delicious. Just sit down, drink some coffee, and be prepared for the best thing you've ever tasted." Dean said, and you smiled before doing as told. Dean was in an unusually good mood this morning. 

 "Even better than pie?" You questioned, sipping your coffee. Dean's flipping of the bacon faltered, and he turned to look at you for a second before turning back to the bacon. 

 "Okay, the second best thing you've ever tasted." Dean replied, and you laughed. You watched as he cooked, and you couldn't help but wish Sam and Gadreel were here. Both of them, not one or the other. You missed both of them more than you should but you didn't care. You felt like you fit in with the Winchesters, and you secretly hoped they felt the same way. 

  "Alright, dig in." Dean said, placing a plate in front of you with three fluffy things and the bacon. You poked the fluffy thing and Dean laughed. 

 "They're called pancakes, and they're good. Try them." Dean said, and he drizzled his in some thick brown liquid. Then he put some on yours before digging into his own. You grabbed your fork and ate, and Dean was right. The food was amazing. 

  "Wow, this is really good. You're a good cook." You said around a mouth of food, and Dean chuckled. The two of you ate in silence, then there was a loud knock on the bunker door. 

 "Stay here." Dean warned, pulling the gun out from the back of his pants and walking down the hall. You, of course, didn't listen and followed him to the bunker door. Dean quietly opened it, before throwing it open and pointing the gun at whoever it was. Once he realized who it was, he let the hand holding the gun drop. 

 "Sam?" He breathed out. You were too shocked to speak, you had no idea if this was Sam or Gadreel, but whoever it was looked mad. Very mad. 

 "Dean, we need to talk." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. 

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