chapter 1

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*Hellllllllo my bouncing baby's this book has turned into a DDLB book but I have planned on making a second book I won't say which charters but look out for that 👍👍*


"Codyyyyyyyyy mommy said its time to get ready" my annoying ass lil sister screams out.
"Please 5 more minutes"all I ask for is 5 extra minutes, ill be on time anyways.
finally stepping out of bed I walk to my decent size closet and grab my rip leather pants and gray bmth shirt.

With my clothes in hand I walk into my attached bathroom to look at my self.
I notice the bruise forming under my forest green eye, I know my moms going to question it.

I look away before anymore thoughts can seep in.

Finally Turning around I start to undresses only to see some of my other bruises finally starting to heal up.
Its not like I get beat up or anything its just I like to box for side money.
When u gotta take care of ur family you do what u can to help.

Turning the water on i wait till it gets scolding hot before stepping in.
For some reason I like the way the burn takes away my slit pain I feel.

10 minutes later im finally out and dressed, I look at my self to see if I look some what like a human being for once.

Walking out of my bathroom I go and grab my phone,bike keys,and book bag.
Heading down stairs with my head down I quickly try and escape before my mom has time to question my were abouts on yesterday.
As soon as I think I finally made it i hear"cody d. Weathers where were you last night" keeping my back turned and head down I reply "out" I leave before she could question me more or even get mad.

I know what I said was rude and it might just shows that I have little to no respect for my mom but I do.
She's my mom and dad, ever since my dad passed away from cancer she took the part as our father.

I've always tried to help her and take over like the man of the house should but no she feels like I have more important things to worry about like school.

Finally getting out of my thoughts I make my way to my black suzuki I got this baby for xmas last year, it was gift to my self for working so hard.
Starting my baby up I listen to the way she purrs just before starting out the driveway.
On my way down the street I end up next to a black smooth 2017 chevrolet camaro.

Close to the front I could see a cheesy deseptacons decal.
Laughing I pull off just as the lights decide to turn green.

Making my way down the street I turn up to the back off the school were no one seems to park all that much.

Getting off my bike I turn her off and head to the front off the building.
Just before I enter the school I see the same smooth black camaro pulling in to the front​ of the school.
Think nothing of it I keep walking until I see my best friend leaning against one of the lockers.

"Sup cody" looking at him I can see he doesn't wanna be here just like me but I reply anyways "sup zack, Ready for the fight on Friday" I can see the excitement in his eyes at the mer mention of it.
"Of course I am, if I win I have a chance of getting 1000 dollars"I started to get happy with him because I know how much it means to him to prove to his dad that he could be just as good as him one day.

He pushes off the locker and starts walking with me to our lockers.

Putting up my book bag and grabbing the things I need I turn and close it.
Walking to me and zacks first period wich happens to be math,we take our seats in the back and wait for the lesson to start.
As Ms.crow explain the math problem I can help but fall asleep.

A new beginning (MXB)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ