chapter 2

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*I'm the biggest procrastinator out their I swear 😩. So now I've just decided that ill upload when ever I can and just not put a date even if I feel its more organized when a dates set. Deciding that this will be a short story I kinda cut down the chapter length but without further a do here's chapter 2😜*


Seeing Ms.Lewis wink at me had me questioning if I was seeing things.
Noticing the light turning green i pull off to the right.
Making my way down the street(making my way downtown walking fast😂) I feel my phone ringing so I slow down a little to answer.

Not checking caller ID I answer " weathers speaking" not even a second later I hear my mom.
"I'm on my way to pick up your sister, I'm taking her to a birthday party so were going to be a little late.

Finding that out i happily reply with a "okay".

Not waiting on a reply I hang up and continue my way home.
Pulling up in the drive way I turn off my baby and make my way inside.
Dropping my keys off in the little plate.

Reaching for my phone I text zack to see if wanted to hang out for a little before I head out to the gym.
To :"Dipshit 😈🤞"(zack)- DS do u wanna hangout b4 I head out later
From-"Dipshit😈🤞"-suree pusssy boy 🤣👊

Laughing I put my phone back in my pocket knowing he'll be here any minute.
Walking in the kitchen I go and pull out or favorite drink sprit the best soda out their.

As I'm making my way to the living room I hear the door open.

Not being fazed I keep walking knowing it's zack why because he doesn't knock anymore he just walks in.
He calls out like normal "HONEYYYYYYY AM HOMEEEEE" laughing like the special case he is he finds me in the living room and plops down.
Taking in his apprentice it looks like he changed from his all black ripped jeans and black shirt for now a all gray look.

"What's the special occasion DS" I ask curiously
" nun just felt like showing these bad boys off" he says as he continues to flex his tattooed arms.
Laughing slightly at his nonsense we just decide to chill and watch TV till it's time for me to leave.

Hours pass and I decided it's time for me to head out to the gym before gets too "late"

Telling zack I'm heading off we walk out together. He walks down to his all black bmw and pulls out the drive way screaming "have a nice time PUSSSSY BOYYY" laughing at his bs I scream "ya ya DS".
Shaking my head I back up and make my way to the gym


Waking up from my sleep I look over to see it's just about 8:30.
Getting up I decide to make my way down the stairs make a snack before I go and set up things with my classes tomorrow.
Well I'm snacking I decide to turn the TV on just to come up on a dog commercial.

Looking at these sad puppies I just said it out of nowhere that I want to make my lonely life seem a little livelier.
Deciding I'll check it out tomorrow I finish up my snack and head upstairs in my work room for a little bit.

As I'm walking the most my phone blinking.
Turns out is a message from one of my friends that owns a club I goto often

From:Randy🤔- how's the teaching thing working out for you
To:Randy🤔- it's straight so far saw a potential sub
From:Randy🤔-that's my boy are u planning on snatching him up

At this point all my friends and family know am gay but not every one knows am a dominant

To:Randy🤔-I wish he's a student of mines
From-Randy 🤔- no problem big boy you'll have him in no time btw we're having a showing at the club on Saturday why don't u stop by😏💦
To:Randy 🤔-will do

As I finish up texting Randy I wonder why he doesn't have a permanent sub.
It might come down to his size he's very muscular and tall standing at 6'0.
Another reason could be that he's very sadistic and not every sub can keep up with him .

Getting out of my thoughts I set my phone down And go back to thinking of something things for my classes.
Deciding that after they say some facts about themselves I'll give them a pre test to see what they remember .

settling on that I make my way to my room to go back to sleep now knowing it's going on 12


Making my way from the gym I pull in next to my moms car noticing my mom and sister are home.
Walking in I greet them ask them how the party was. My sister told me about all the things they did smiling I gave her a hug ready to go up stairs .
Out of the corner of my eye I can see my mom wanting to ask me something but she stops.

Without thinking about it I make my way upstairs Deciding on taking a quick shower.
Stepping into the scolding hot water I start to think as it's easing my muscles.

Stepping out after about 30 minutes I dry my self and my hair.
Walking in my room I just decide on some pajama bottoms .

Putting my phone on the charger I laid down and went to sleep noticing its going on 12.
Seeing this I just plug my phone up and sleeping knowing it'll be the same thing tomorrow.

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