The medic

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I open my eyes to see that I've been brought to the medic. Something cold is wrapped around my head. I try move it but the back of my head feels sore. The room is tiny but a whole exhibition of medical equipment is scattered on the shelves. A doctor who I don't recognise walks in through a clear door.
"Hello, Isla. How are you feeling?"
"My head hurts..." I mumble. My voice cracks as I haven't speaking for a long period of time ,"What happened?"
"We believe that your psychosis has returned, full steam ahead, and we don't exactly know what has triggered it. We might in increase the amount of......."
He spoke on about how they might change my medicine and asked me questions about what I did recently. My answer was nothing because sitting in a grey room with a sink, toilet, bed and desk, with no ways of entertainment counts as nothing, right? Just before he closed the door behind him, I spat out the question that had been scratching at the back of my mind throughout our conversation.
"Wait, what about Mum? Can I see her?" I ask, recalling the events that happened before I woke up.
"Erh... no, I'm afraid," Doctor Lawson spoke in a grave tone.
I sunk. I want to see mum. I want to talk to her. To feel her warm hands in mine. When I see her, I feel as if my deteriorated life has been restored to 100%, just like in that video game I used to play with Markl. Before I came to this terrible place. Before the progression in my life had been switched off.

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