Lost In Reverie

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Hendrix plays in the background as we swim along our reverie of days long gone

Flashbacks of years gone by and moments of youth and careless nights fueled by alcohol and wild laughter

He whispers words into my ear through the wire that seemingly connects us

I listen intently as I dream of a time when we were free...

I could taste the realness, the truth, and pure honesty of his longings

The craving he feels...

I feel it, too.

All these years of living in some dreary existence

Pretending we were lost and forgotten memories of adolescent flings

And now, as the years passed us by and life happened around us... we are found.

No longer lost to a dream or a fantasy...

He is here... and I am here.

In this moment.

But, not really...

As he whispers those words into my ear.. the connection is as strong as it ever was

As he pours it all out for me to hear, I grasp unto each word like it is my saving grace...

And although we both know this is all it ever will be,

We hold on to these words...

Words filled with hope and longing

Of a time lost long ago...

Of memories and wishes that may never come true...

I hold on to hope and vow never to surrender like I always have before

And as he whispers into my ear,

I feel his presence all around me

A flood of gentleness and sweetness

He whispers these words through the wire

The wire that separates us...

The distance between where he is and where I am

The words he whispers comfort my tired and weary soul

And he says my name like I've never heard it been said before

He says it out loud with such passion and fire...

And whatever the future holds, we will always have this moment...

Another moment to add to our collection.

Another memory to put inside this box.

To be sealed away and treasured forever.

As he whispers these words, I swim in the river of hope

The hope that someday these wires will connect once again

And these gaps in the spaces between us will be filled

But, for now...

I just listen to these words he whispers in my ear...



Ashes, Dust and Lust - A collection of ProseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu