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It's clear to me

That everything is hollow

What once overflowed

Is now empty

Stand up, I say to myself

Brush it off

Write it off as finished

An end

The end

But the pain comes in waves

It reminds me of the emptiness inside

It comes and goes as it pleases

And then I laugh

I'm stronger than this, I say

Harder than this pain

I'm punk rock

So I get through the day

And fake the smile

Laugh the laugh

Put the armor on

Then the sky gets dark

And the noise of the day fades

And I feel the pain again

The hollowness

The emptiness

It's always difficult at night, right?

Just get through the night

The sun will always rise in the morning

But the pain...

It lingers here


Where love once ruled

It's dark now

Darker than before



And as dawn penetrates this room

I get up again

And put the armor on

Smile the smile

Laugh the laugh

I'm punk rock

Just get through the day...



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