There is no other word but Goodbye

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Tonight I bought a bottle of wine

And a pack of smokes

And I will sit here and finish it all

As I toast to you..

To the last five months

To the feelings and moments...

And the ecstasy...

And the inevitable fall. 

I say cheers to the sleepless nights

And the 3am phone calls

The euphoria of the words you said

I recall the smile you put on my face

The aura I exuded

The feelings I felt...

It was good while it lasted

What a cliche..

But now I'm ready to turn these pages

As sorrowful as I am

I'm letting you go tonight

Not because I don't adore you

Not because we are perfect for each other

But because I no longer like the me I've become

I no longer sleep

I lay awake and think


The giddiness has gone

And anxiety has replaced it

I am now filled with a melancholic sadness 

And I don't want this anymore

You've changed...

Two words that always precede a heartbreak.

And now I bid you farewell.

I won't let you know.

I'll still reply. 

I'll still shower you with words of praise

But, they no longer come from my heart anymore.

You broke that, already.

So, tonight I silently say goodbye to you.

My eccentric soulmate.

My artist.

My missing piece.

My heart....



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