[eight]: cousins

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{ 文俊辉 - wen junhui }
表姐 | 사촌

Continued from last chapter...

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door, holding onto my phone tightly. I didn't bother asking him why his cousins wanted to meet me but I immediately got out of my car and walked to their front door after the call ended.

After I knocked I heard multiple voices talking and a hush soon followed after. After a few seconds the door finally opened revealing Wonwoo, all black. Again. Not that I was complaining, he looked hot in black. Did I just call him hot? "Hi." He greeted and I replied back with a hello. He scratched the back of his head before opening the door widely to let me in and I smiled at him before entering his house. Before I could roam my eyes around the room something definitely caught my eyes.

There on his living room were four males casually sitting on two of his couches. Two of the guys were sitting close to each other, really close so I assumed they were the couple Wonwoo told me about. "Hello there." I said with a slight, awkward smile. I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

"Hey, I'm Mingyu's cousin." One half of the couple greeted and flashed a smile.

"One of his cousins." Another one of the guys corrected. He looked pretty scary, but so did Wonwoo when I first met him, so I shouldn't really judge. He looked at me, I thought it was a glare at first but then he showed me a smile, like he wasn't meant to harm me. "Hi, I'm Minho. Wonwoo's favourite cousin and the oldest of these two bozos."

I greeted him with a bow and he did the same. The one Minho had interrupted pouted with a frown and the male sitting next to him giggled and cooed his partner. "Stop being a baby just because you couldn't introduce yourself first." He bickered and the latter just scrunched his nose. "I'm Jeonghan. That's Seungcheol, my boyfriend and the cousin living with Wonwoo."

I bit lips, so that's Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Wonwoo had told me about them before but I would never have guessed I was going to meet them, the both of them. But Wonwoo did tell me that Jeonghan always hung out around the house, he told me the guy basically lived in his place.

"Hiii!" Another one greeted and I turned my head to the one sitting next to Minho. He was extremely adorable wearing a big, pink sweater and he looked like the purest thing in the world. The opposite of Minghao. "I'm Youngjae, I'm the pure one of all of us and I think of myself as the favourite of Wonwoo cause I'm the only who doesn't annoy him."

"Says the one who always steals his sweaters and never return them." Minho retorted which made Youngjae slap him on his arm and the latter winced in pain, rubbing on his arm to make sure it was alright. "Also pure? Really?"

"You're more kinkier than all of us in the room combined." Jeonghan snorted and his boyfriend laughed as well. "With your daddy Jaebum."

He's not that opposite of Minghao, he's exactly like Minghao. Cute on the outside, corrupted with God knows what on the inside.

"H-how'd you know?"

Jeonghan smirked, "Seungcheol wanted to visit his dear brother but before he could even knock the door or ring the doorbell he heard some things going on in your bedroom."

"Don't forget when I let you guys stayover my place for a night because you guys had a rat infestation." Minho added, "I just wanted to go and have breakfast but what do I see? Your daddy giving you the best suck of your life."

Holy fuck.

"Guys shut up," Wonwoo demanded and we all looked at him, it was kind of rare to see him like this and to be honest it was kind of hot. "Now that you've met Junhui I'm going to go now. Minho don't sleep on my bed and especially don't sleep on my bed with Taemin, Cheol do the dishes and Youngjae I swear to fuck, no fucking. In fact, no Jaebum. Absolutely not."

"Good choice." Minho gave a thumbs up, causing Wonwoo to frown at him. He turned to me and grabbed my wrist before walking (or stomping) to the door with my hand in his.

"Use protection!" Minho yelled out.

"That's what I should've said to your mum when she was about to make you!" His cousin shouted back.

Yalls just met the Choi bros ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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