Chapter 21

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Radhika's POV

I woke up at around 10 and with some struggle I finally got to the washroom to wash myself. I touched my private part only to find it so sore that it hurt even when I lightly brushed my fingers on it. My thighs had his finger marks with the way he was gripping them to keep me in place. I ran a bath for myself and got inside the bathtub and sat inside. I rest my head backwards on the backrest and closed my eyes. All what happened last night and today's morning flashed right infront of me. He had touched me and kissed me in places I didn't know existed in my body, he had controlled my body so much that even when he is not here I could still feel him kissing me against my will, parting my thighs to give him entrance, kissing my neck, my breast, his hands all over me not leaving an inch untouched and unexplored.

My eyes snapped open and I cried silently muffling my sobs," Why?! Why me?! I never did anything wrong to anyone then why me?! How can my body like what he does?! Do I don't have any self respect?! I know I cannot stop him but I let him have his way with me in the morning and I enjoyed it! I enjoyed him crushing my pride for what?! For sex! How pathetic am I!"

I lowered myself to the bottom, today there was no one to stop me, I can end this once and forever! I can do this as my this will mark victory against him. As the incessant need for oxygen arose and I could not take it anymore, I jolted out of the water as fast as I could. Great! What kind of coward am I! I can't even hold my breath for a few minutes inside the water and I want to die!
But the question was do I really want to die the death of a coward?!

If this is my life, if he is my destiny then I will try to make this work! I want to see how low he can stoop and how much I can bear with him. Today I saw something change in his eyes with the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the way he tended to my injury even though he himself says that he loathes me because I am the daughter of the man who ruined his life but the care he showed me whether it was carressing my cheek with something close to affection or applying oinment on my cheek or even tucking me in the bed and the thing that shocked the most me  was when he kissed my forehead and I wasn't a fool to not know that there was nothing lustful in that kiss. Can I afford to trust him?!

Later that afternoon#

"So tell me Radhika, How did you meet Arjun?!" Mariam aunty quizzed me.

How do I answer this?!

"We met at the airport." I gave her a short answer.

"So did you guys fall in love then and there?! Who made the first move?! I am sure Bhai must have made the first move because he is such a go getter and he can be so pushy at times." Sam chirped and her lively smile was contagious.

"So I am pushy at times, Sam?!" My heart skipped a beat as he stood right behind me.

"Actually no you are pushy all the time." Sam smirked.

He snaked his hand around my waist," If this is the reward of being pushy all the time then I will be pushy for the rest of my life."

"Common bhai you are making it sound as if she is some trophy." Sam took an offense to his words.

He took his seat beside me and placed his hand behind me on my backrest. He leaned closer and whispered," You are indeed a trophy of my victory over your father but you are pleasing on the eyes and I do enjoy you very much so I guess you are a trophy."

I didn't know how to hold back my tears that threatened to betray me. Was it always going to be like this?!

"What are you two love birds mumering?!" Mariam aunty asked.

"Nothing just telling her how much I missed her and how I want to take her everywhere wherever I go." He played the part of a perfect husband so well that even I would have fell for that lie but I know He is just pretending.

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