Chapter 42

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Radhika's POV

"You are pregnant, Radhika."

Pregnant?! Oh God! A baby!

I was shocked at the revelation as breath left my body. I wasn't ready for a  child, and given the circumstances I am in right now, I didn't wanted a baby. I didn't wanted that additional responsibility of looking after a child when my own future is so uncertain.

"You are not happy, Radhika?!"

I held my head in my head as I had a throbbing headache now. I pushed my hair back running my fingers through them," It's too soon."

"Do you want to abort?!"

Abort?! That thought never crossed my mind. I wasn't exactly ecstatic about the baby because of my difficult relationship with Arjun but  what wrong has this innocent baby done to me?!

I wrapped my hands around my belly protectively," NO! NO I can't...." I broke into sobs as I kept repeating no over and over again.

Dr Anita rubbed my back," Calm down, my dear." She poured me a glass of water from the jar on the table and handed it over to me.

I emptied the glass in one go. I calmed myself down and cried silently.

"Radhika, is there a problem?! Arjun doesn't want a baby?!"

What do I tell you?! I wiped my tears as there was no crying over spilled milk now.

"I don't know." I answered in a clipped tone.

I don't know if Arjun will want this child now that his precious Lily is back. I don't know if he will stay faithful to me let alone be happy about this child.

"I know that boy from childhood, he is not the one to abandon his responsibilities. Don't worry, dear everything will be fine." She continued," The most important thing is whether or not you want this child or not?!"

My heart warmed at the idea of having my own child, someone who I will always have in my life. My own flesh and blood! How can I not want this child when everything seems to be slipping from my hold! My marriage, my husband, everything! This child is the only thing I am left with! How can I let go of this one thing that will bring me immense joy?!

"They must be worried for you, I will go and inform them." Dr Anita stood up and took my leave leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I ran my hand over my belly," I don't know about your father but you will always have me."

I am carrying a child and here, I am uncertain of my future with him. What will happen to me and my baby if Arjun neglects us now that his beloved Lily is back?! My poor baby!

I lied on the bed thinking about what next. Where life goes from here. What am I going to do?! Whatever happens I will be there for my child.

I fumed as I heard the approaching footsteps. He was here. I just know it it's him. I turned my face away as I could not control my temper anymore. He got inside the comforter and touched my belly, drawing me closer to him but I broke free from his hold.

He cupped my face but I tilted my face to the other side.

"Radhika, what's wrong?! You are going to be a mother soon. Aren't you happy?!"

He has the audacity to ask me this?! He didn't even acknowledge our marriage infront of his lily! I am Sam's friend for her till now so tomorrow he will tell her that he is not the father of this child.

I glared at him, "No I am not because I am worried about my child's future now. I am worried about how he will have to share his father's love with his half siblings. I am worried about his reaction to his father's second family."

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