Chapter 75

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Radhika's POV

I entered the mansion measuring every step I took inside. The air inside felt so foreign and cold without the master of this place to fill the warmth in the breeze. Without Arjun this house seemed like a deserted place to me but still I am here because I am attached to this place. This is my house, my home, every corner of this house has a memory attached to it.

I looked at the huge family wallsize portraits on the walls of the hall. I almost got a chill when I saw Arnav Mehra staring right back at me with the same black eyes like my husband's. He looked scary even though dead but still there is this iciness in those eyes that cut through your very soul.

"What a pleasant surprise! I wasn't expecting you here."

I was snapped out of my trance to hear the same voice that pricked my heart like thorns. How can he be so happy after turning my whole world upside down?!

"I wasn't expecting you here either." I replied in a snarky tone.

"This is my house now." He stated.

I looked him in the eye,"This place, the people who work here and everything including me belongs to Arjun." I said in an unflinching tone.

"You aren't tired singing his praises?! Sometimes I feel you are more of a PR than his wife." He mocked me.

"At least I am trustworthy unlike you." I taunted.

"Why do you think I am not trustworthy?!" He asked me softly as he closed up to me and I took a step back.

I glared at him,"Its because of you, Lily is dead. She trusted you and you broke her trust. I didn't liked her, I never liked her but I didn't want her to die, I never wished that. You used her to save yourself that itself shows that you cannot be trusted at any cost."

He smiled evil,"Beauty with brains. You are very observant darling."

I hated Lily with all my guts for how she stared at Arjun without a wink, for how she made a pass at him and tried to drive a wedge between us! She was a bitch and I will never forgive her, it's only because of her, we are in this situation. I wanted her to go away from my husband somewhere I will never have to see her again as she was a constant reminder of Arjun's womanizing ways. There were times when I prayed for her to go away and start a new life somewhere far from us but I didn't wanted her dead. I can swear upon one thing I loved the most, my baby that I just wanted her to go away.

"I am not here to have a chat with you. I came here to tell you to back off from my life. You have already done enough damage to my life so please just back off." I told him harshly.

"Back off?! I think you have forgotten you came here to see me not vice versa." He plays innocent.

"Why do you want to marry me?!" I hit the bull's eye.

He walked in circles around me as he talked,"Straight to the point, I like it! Well what can I say that will convince you. You know my heart melted when I realised that you have to singlehandedly bring up your child and the world is a very cruel place for a beautiful woman like you. You need someone and that someone could be me because I really didn't wanted to cause you any pain."

I rolled my eyes,"You actually think I am going to buy all this?!"

" No I don't. I was just kidding but your father believes this shit. Now listen sweetheart neither am I interested in you nor your baby. Your husband was a real crook. He has made his will such that if he dies then his wife or his first born will inherit everything. You might be a widdow but you have no idea how wealthy you are right now. Everything belongs to you and there is nothing I can do to change it." He replied in a slightly disappointed tone.

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