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2 months later

(Brooklyns pov)

Ke’Juan (Kcarmouche) and i was chilling in my room. Him and i got mad close the past 2 months.He became my best guy friend other than Joeyy.Hes so cute and funny but as an older brother type of way.

“Whats this?” He asked picking up a piece of paper of the floor

“A piece of paper?” i laughed

He jumped on my bed while opening up the little piece of paper. Noisy ass -_-

“you and your little bitch-”

I jumped up and tried to grab the piece of paper from his hands but he jumped
up and held it in the air knowing my short ass was too short to reach.

“KE”JUAN GIMME” I said trying jump and catch it but that wasnt working

“You and your little bitch better watch out now. I warned you but you failed to listen hoe.”He read out laughing at first then getting mad serious

“Brooke what the fuck is this?” he asked as i moved away from him and towards my charging phone.

“you want chinese? I think i want chinese tonight” i said avoiding his question

“Brooke is someone threating you?” He asked walking towards me

I picked up my bag and got my wallet out seeing how much money i had
Ke”juan snatched my wallet making me look at him

“Brooklyn A’Laysia McArthur answer me!” He said getting mad

“ARE YOU MY FATHER? NO SO STOP TRYNA ACT LIKE IT! DAMN” I said walking around my bed.

“Brooke just answer the damn questin aight?”

i sighed “yes ive been getting other little ones in my room and sit but i already know whos writing them”

“The chick Jo fought?”

“Yep i know its her crazy ratchet ass”

“How long has this been going on?”

“um about two months i guess every since i started talking to Eric”

“what you gunna do?” he asked laying back on the bed

“confront her tomorrow”

“that bish crazy girl, im deadass lucky im not a girl cus id be sharkieshaing hoes left and right “ he said pretending to punch and swing at the air

“your a fool” i said laughing

We chilled all day eating chinese food and watching corny ass christmas movies. We were laying down in my bed looking up at the celing.

“Brooklyn?” he said softly almost like a whisper

“Ke’Juan?” i smartly replied

He laughed and moved closer towards me

“i have something to tell you tho”

I got scared automatically. I’ve never like that saying. Last time i heard it was when my mother told me that my father was gone and might never come back.

“um...i gotta a record deal and im moving to Cali” he said

Really? thats nothing. I was geting scared for no reason at all.

“thats good, thats not that far from here only about a hour” I said

“no not Cali ny Brooke i meant Cali as in California...Ive leave tomorrow”

My heart stopped

“ happy for you..i really am but California really?”

This was his dream right here. in his hands i mean im happy for him but he’s like my best friend ima be so sad when he leaves.

“dont be sad girl ima be back...with august alsina” He said knowing my ass loved me some Alsina.

“August? yasss get yo ass to Cali then” I said laughing a bit

“girl you crazy”

“i swear i got that shit from you” I told him honestly

We laied in silence for a while and i started to drift off

“I swear it feels like ive known you forever man” I barely caught it since he said it so low

“i know...rap to me ” i said as i started drifting to sleep

“aight...That’s what she said to me
That place I used to call home is just a bed to me
We don’t even sleep, neighbors can hear her weep
Meanwhile I’m in these streets with everybody, I’m trying to get it
And she know they got me, I watch her feelings watch me
As they staring with the saddest eyes of loneliness
Look each other in the face and barely blink
Tried to make it right but the pen ran out of ink
So if my letters don’t reach you, I hope these lyrics in sync…….


(Cherrys pov)

I finally got to school after hearing my little sister whine about her boyfriend or who ever the fuck..i dont even care that shits irrelvant to me.
I walked into MY school watching all the boys stare at me as i made my way past them and girls glare and whisper like i was a piece of fine china.

“Hey girl” My best friend Tiana or whatever said

“hey wheres my coffee?!” I said mad that she didnt have my morning coffee

“Starbucks was closed im sorry” She said scared

I love when bitches are scared of me its like a sense of power and control

“you never fucking listen to me! i swear your retarted” I yelled at her pushing her making my ways towards Alfredo

He was standing next to Jason’s fine ass

“Hey” i say sweetly hugging Alfredo and slighty waving at Jason

“wassup ma?” Alfredo said putting his phone in his back pocket

“nothing i just wanted to know if you could get me a mocha frap cause Tianas dumb ass didnt get it”

“dont you have two arms and legs of your own?”

“im not talking to you” I said glaring at him for a sec

“i dont know if i can ma i gotta finish writing th-” He started before i cut him off whispering in his ear

“if you do ill give you a treat 5th” i say blowing cool air on his ear making him shiver

“aight ill text you when i get it” He said

“perf.see you then” I say smiling and glaring past jason

“you must have forgotten about that lil video”i said to him  as i walked away making sure my walk was on point.

I always get what i want.

(Heats pov)
I was chilling with my Aunt Nicole aka my second mother

“So how’s school?”She asked sipping her lemonade

I brung her to red lobster since i know it’s her favorite resturant

“It’s good i guess im getting by”

“you better be passing them classes boy” She said strictly

“I am ma dont worry” i said smiling

“are you thinking about going to college?”

I dont really know if i wanna give up these streets, ive been around them since i could walk, its really the only thing i know

“i dont know ma...i can’t see myself leaving these streets”

“I understand but these streets will always be here but your education you need that baby” She said holding my hand

“i know ma..i know”

Our plates arrived and the waitress looked at me and winked walking away putting a little pep in her walk

“Lawd jesus these hoochie mamas around here are just begging for an ass whooping” She said taking another sip from her drink

I laughed this lady

“Ma your crazy”

“Boy tell me something i dont know”

We ate and conversated a little.

My aunt Nicole is my mothers sister and she was the one to really raise me like her own, when my mother left me alone, in our house by myself for 2 weeks when i was only 18 months she came pack all my shitand took me with her and i never saw my mother again. I love my aunt like a mother she was always there for me, she was there for all the basketball games and football games, concerts anything i had she was always there supporting me 110%. She knows about my life and the streets, When i made it big in the game i bought her the first house she wanted foer $25,000 and the new 2013 BMW shes always dreamt about. I would do ANYTHING for my auntie.
I honestly dont think i can just get up and leave the streets and go to college. I wanna have a nice education but 9-5 aint my type of job, i wanna run my own bussiness tho so maybe two years at college wont do any harm  and i can always have my boys make sure shit is down packed while im away.

“Baby what happened to that pretty light skin girl you resuced that day..brooke or something?”

“brooklyn? she’s good..i guess”I said with a lil hint of sad

I deadass miss her

“What happened?”

I sighed and told her everything that happened between me and brooklyn

“and i havent talked to her for about 2 months now” I say ending my story

“Boy if we wasnt in this resuarant i wouldve beat yo ass how dare you treat such a nice innocent girl like that!” She said getting mad

“I know ma i fucked up..big time”

“ya damn skippy...but its never to late to try and make things work” She said calming down a bit

“Ma after all the shit thats happened i dont think she wants nothing to do with me...i wouldnt even want nothing to do with me” I said honestly

I fucked up and hurt Brooklyn and i feel like shit for it.

“listen everyone makes mistakes baby but Brooklyn is a strong  girl and yall belong together i can tell,just have faith in god and everything will work out... after you take me home go get your girl” She said smiling at me

She was right i need to get MY girl back.

(Cherrys pov)

Oh my God... I knew these feelings was a sign

I was currently in the bathroom of my house

"Girl?!hello!?" My cousin T'aja asked me

"Y-yea?" I said looking at the stick

"Is you pregnant or nah?!"

"Yes bitch im pregnant"

"Oh my god...whos the daddy?"

"Only one it can be is Heats"

i know i was lying it could be any one

"But you fucked Alfredo, Justin ,Jason and Chris so how you know its Heats?"

"Cause bitch i just kno" i said hanging up on her

It really doesnt matter who the baby father is...ima make sure Heat believes its his..i had his first one i can damn sure have another

i walked out my bathroom and grabbed a L i had on the dresser and called Heat

"Heyyy...wassup??... K cool this is Heats best-no im not saying that ughh this is Heats honeycinnabuns Hes with me thats why he aint answer Byeeeee"

-__- really!? This bitch

Im so fed up with her i really dont see what Heat sees in her

1. Shes ugly
2. Shes ugly

i called Jason

"What cherry!?"

"I need some" im stressed and this baby aint helping and jasons stroke game was on point.

Two hours later we were on my bed breathing heavy

" Jay?"


"You need to leave brandy alone"


" Brandy , Brooklyn need to stop talking to her"


"Cause shes bad ..shes a liar dont believe anything she says"

"Nah im not gunna do that" he said getting up

"Why not?"

"Shes mad cool and chill and real unlike you she actually has morals" He pulled up his pants and started looking for his shirt

"You wasnt sayin none of that when your dick was in my mouth and pussy!! Oh and i guess you forgot that i have videos of every time we were together including this one" i say so fucking pissed

"Your so fucked up man im out this bitch"

"Im telling you now if i find that you are still talking to her i will put all the videos online and you might just end up as a baby father" i say with a smirk on my face as i rub my stomach

The color of his face drained. He looked down at my hands on my stomach then shook his head as he walked out my house slamming my door

I jumped on my bed put on rihanna "russian roulette" and texted heat that i needed to talk to him ASAP

My plan is in action now 😉

(Brooklyns pov)

I was listening to partynextdoor wusgood when justyn came in my room

"Hey sissy" he said smiling while he climbed on my bed


"Can we go to Mrs.Browns? Im hungry"

"Sure go ask mommy if she needs anything"

"Okay" he said jumping off my bed and running out the door

I already had on a red v-neck and shorts so i put on some sweat pants and my breds. I left my hair in the bun it was in before and got my keys and went downstairs.

"Mommy said some sour cream and onion chips and a arizona" he said putting on his jacket

"Okay" i texted Jordan and asked her if she needed anything

"Come on" i say walking out the door waiting for him to catch up to me

Once he did i grabbed his hand amd we walked down the street.

"Brookey why cant Jason talk to you?" Justyn said as we walked around the block

"What are you talking about?"

"Jazzy said she cant talk to me cause Jason cant talk to you"

What the hell??

"I dont kno Justyn  but you can talk to whoever you want to when you want to as long its not disrespectful"

"Oh i am Jazzy is MINE"

I smiled at his cuteness and we walked into the store

"Hey Mrs.Brown" We both say

"Hey babies, hows everything? Hows michelle?" She said walking over to us giving both of us hugs

"Everything is fine, mom is good...Justyn why dont you go pick out what you want and get moms stuff"

"Okaie dokie" he said walking off

"Hows the cancer?" I ask her

"Its nothing they can do baby its too late" she said sadly looking at me with her greyish brown eyes

I couldnt believe it..Mrs.Brown, the lady always with a smile on her face...always looking on the brighter side of things...shes...dying

ive known Mrs.Brown since i was about 7 or 8 years old. she gave us clothes and food when my mother wasnt fully on her feet completly.

"Brookey im done" He said holding chips candy and soda

I went to pull out the money when Mrs.Brown stopped me

"Dont worry about it...its on the house" she said with a smile

"Mrs.Brown its the least i can do" i say holding out a $10 bill

"No,no i couldnt"

"I insit Mrs.Brown"

"Girl you stilla re stubborn just lika ya momma" she said laughing then holding her chest in pain

"Are you okay Mrs.Brown?" I ask concern

"Im fine child" she says slowly getting behind the counter to ring up another customer

"Hows that young boy you were telling me abo

She was talking about Eric honestly I missed always messing with me...I know crazy right!?

"He's okay Mrs,Brown"

"Do me a favor sweetie?" She asked taking probably some medicine

"Sure what is it?" I ask pickig up justyn

"Go to that boy and tell him how you with him it's going to be worth it trust me"

Damn..should i?

"Yes baby do it I promise it will benefit both of yall in better ways"

I actually thought about it

"Brooklyn promise me?" She said coughing

"I promise"

"Good now get that boy out for he eats up my store"

"Will do" i say laughing

"Take care mrs.Brown"

"You too sweetheart"

I smiled to myself

Maybe me and Eric do belong together

(Later on that day)

I was doing my english homework when somebody rung the doorbell

"I'll get it" my momma yelled

I wrote my name ontop of my paper when eric came in my room


"Brooklyn im leaving no funny business" my mom yelled from downstairs


" we need to talk" we say at the same time

"Instantly i blushed and looked down at my name

"You go first" i say

"Aight look i aint mean to hurt you Brooklyn i know you was feeling me and i was feeling you and i didnt mean to fuck that up but i missed you and someone special to me told me that we belong together-"

Wait! What??

"Someone told you that too??"

"Yea more than once man...its a sign we belong together"


"I know I messed up but people that ain't never lie to me said that I need to make you mine and I believe them" he said sitting on my bed close to me

"Do you believe them?"

I actually thought about it

Did I believe Mrs.Brown?

Mrs.Brown has never lie to me before ever so I had no choice but to believe

"yeah I believe them"

I got up and he pulled me on his lap

"maybe we do belong together" he said looking in my eyes like we were never going to see each other again

"But your a thug...thugs don't love"

"they don't but this one does"

he lifted my head with his pointer finger

"your mine"

" I'm yours" i whisper

We both leaned in until our lips me and it felt like fireworks inside of my stomach

After 10 seconds the Kiss started to get heated Eric layed back on the bed making me on top of him

I broke it off and he raised his eyebrow

"Whats wrong?"

"If this is going to work you have to be completely honest with me"

"True true aight" he said rubbing his chin

"did you hook up with Cherry that night  at the party?"

He looked around avoiding my gaze

I know how to get his attention I moved back and forth making him quickly put his hands on my waist making me stop

"don't do that" he said with his mouth closed

"Did you have sex at that party answer truthfully I already know the answer"

"Yea… I did"

"Did you fuck her after that?"

No answer

I moved again and his grip got tighter


" nah man I fuck with her since"

" thats everything?"

"Yep...thats everything"

"Okay good" i leaned down and kissed him

"What about you?" He asked rubbing my thigh

"What about me?"

"Did you fuck around with Jason or any other niggas?"


"You lying?"

"Do i look like a thot to you?"

"You really want me to answer that?"

I slapped him on the arm

"Damn yo heavy handed ass" he said rubbing his arm

I laughed

"I was just joking"

"You betta been"

I got off him and he grabbed my arm

"Gimme kiss"


"Im not playin" he said looking at me with a smile on his face

"Neither am i"

"Fine" he let go of my arm and got up

I took the opprtunity to run downstairs which he quicky followed

Justyn came down and joined in the fun. After we just chilled and ate some grilled cheese

Maybe this might actually work


i know this is long over due but its long asf and i hope you liked it

Im already writing chapter 16

Please comment and ratee


The way he loves meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz