Chapter 17 - Everyone loves traffic jams

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"No villain ever knows that they're in the wrong because they know that they're in the right."

~Oliver Storm (White Lightning)

Trevor was on his way back to his penthouse apartment and was ready to throw it all in. He was so tired that he felt he could slip into a dreamless sleep with no trouble.

He had just come from another meeting with Lacey Carlton. His father's death had thrown off their entire plan for the takeover of Rossi Corp, and Trevor could tell. Carlton Laboratories weren't as confident relaying facts and statistics to the Rossi Corp team anymore. If anything good at all had come from Paul's death, it had been that it was helping Rossi Corp fight back against Carlton Laboratories.

The company wouldn't admit it out loud, but Lacey Carlton had been weeks away from buying the company out from under the Rossi fingertips. But, now that the leader and creator of the company was dead in a tragic accident, investors felt sorry for the company. They weren't going to betray Rossi Corp when their last CEO had just been murdered.

Lacey Carlton was a problem though. She was still trying to sabotage Rossi Corp, Trevor was sure of it. He was certain it was their spy who had gotten his father shot in the first place. Maybe they hadn't meant for Paul to get shot, but they had been the fault either way. And then they went back to the hospital to finish the job. The security camera footage that his team was able to steal from the hospital showed that the super had spent quite a few minutes in Paul Rossi's room. Maybe trying to get information out of him. Maybe the spy found that Paul knew too much. Maybe the spy decided it was better to get rid of Paul and slow down Carlton Laboratories' takeover of Rossi Corp than to risk whatever information Paul knew.

Or, at least, that was Trevor's best theory. It only made sense that Lacey Carlton and her company were after Rossi Corp. His father must've been doing a project that Carlton Laboratories really thought they had to stop. It was common knowledge that Carlton Laboratories was basically a hedge fund for the supers of the League of Legends and basically all supers in the world. Rossi Corp must've been doing something detrimental for superheroes, and Lacey was just watching out for her superhero besties like a good little lapdog. And Trevor was going to find out what it was and avenge his father in the best way possible.

"Trevor, have you even been listening to me?"

Trevor snapped himself out of his daze and shook his head. "Is it that obvious?"

Ian Thompson narrowed his eyes at Trevor. "I know when you're listening, trust me. I didn't spend months around you not to learn your patterns, Trevor. You were thinking about your father again, weren't you?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What else can you expect from me?"

"You know that there's nothing you can do about it, right?" Ian reminded Trevor, putting a hand on his arm. "You've done all you can for now. All you can do is move on and grow."

Trevor shook him off, bursting out in anger, "No, okay! That medicine was not switched on accident! My father was the head of a successful business and he had countless enemies who would be glad to put a price on his head. Carlton Laboratories would've been grateful to see him dead sooner. I swear, I am avenging my father for his wrongful death, and I don't want to sit idly by again while his killer is roaming free. I need to be doing something."

Ian looked at Trevor for a long hard moment, letting him settle down. Trevor was rightfully angry that his father had died, but Ian wasn't going to let him destroy himself over it. Not if he had anything to say about it.

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