Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Camila's POV

            I slumped further into my seat next Dinah, turning up the music on my iPhone. I looked absent mindedly out the window as the bus cruised down the highway before letting out another dramatic sigh. Suddenly, I felt my headphones being ripped off my head. I turned to Dinah, my mouth open, gaping at her seemingly random action.

            "Okay if you sigh one more time, I'm going to have to kill you," Dinah exclaimed. "Get it out," I gave her a confused look. "You're only gonna drop your mood once you've talked about whatever's bothering you. You're my best friend Mila, I know you better than you know yourself. You need to talk out whatever you're feeling." I bit my lip, knowing what Dinah said was true. But I didn't even really understand why I felt so down.

            "I don't really know Dinah," I mumbled, giving her a shy look.

            "Are you starting to feel, that way again?" Dinah took my hand and I could see the worry etched across her face. She was really the only person who knew about my emotional issues, how I got into slumps sometimes. Ever since we met freshmen year, Dinah had always been the friend to wait patiently and help me through the hard times, knowing not to push me because there was nothing I could really do to change how I felt except wait. Instead, she would be a shoulder for me to cry on, a friend for me to watch a movie with, or someone to talk to when I finally felt up to it.

She was the only person who I had really let in after my relationship with Lucy crumbled. She persisted, even though I made my best efforts to push her away and leave me alone. And even though I never really came out and explained what happened between Lucy and I, I could tell Dinah just knew. She knew how I had felt, she understood why I was so heart broken. But she never bought it up, never asked me about it, never made me feel uncomfortable. So she saved me from myself and then let the whole topic go, knowing I didn't really want to talk about it.

"No, it's not that," I reassured her honestly, giving her an appreciative smile. I could see the relief on her face as she rubbed my hand with her thumb. It's not that she thought it was a burden or a problem when I was bad, but she hated seeing me like that; knowing I was miserable. Thankfully, I wasn't feeling that way.

"Then what is it?" she quizzed, giving me a gentle nudge to talk about my feelings.

"It's just been a weird week," I admitted.

"How so?"

"Just everything with Lauren and Lucy," I had told Dinah everything that happened between Lauren and I at the club and afterward. Likewise, I had also come clean about Lucy's renewed affection toward me. "I'm just not sure how I feel."

"Well, you know how I feel about Lucy. What she did to you, how she literally watched you fall apart without a care in the world... I will never forgive her for that. And you shouldn't either, to be honest. Mila she didn't give a shit about you after everything happened freshmen year. She let you suffer when she knew she could have done something about it. I know you care about her and it brings back all those good memories with her when she's nice to you, but just don't give in that easy. Okay?" I nodded slightly. "Please keep your guard up, for your sake Mila. You have better friends now, who really care about you. Focus on that. You don't need her the way you used to anymore."

"You're right, thanks for the advice Dinah."

"I just don't trust Lucy," Dinah murmured skeptically. "You shouldn't either. At least not until she's really earned your trust back. Promise me you won't let her take advantage of you."

"Dinah she's not evil. We just had a bad stint. It was my fault too, I-"

"Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened Mila. You were just trying to look out for her and she stabbed you in the back. You know I'm right." I twisted my lips. "Now promise me you won't trust her, you won't let her in right away, that you'll keep your guard up."

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