Chapter 1: Tokei & Shizuku

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"Your fear of failure will be your weakness, your weakness, your undoing."- Me

In a winter night on the streets of Asakusa, a mother and a father walk with their child from a restaurant they were in. The father walks into a back alley to throw away a candy wrapper and doesn't come back quickly. When the mother goes to check she doesn't come back either. When the child goes to see what happened he is shocked to see the dead bodies of his parents, he drops to his knees and starts crying and yelling for help. While he screams, a little girl comes around the corner and knocks out the crying child.

After 7 years, a young adult can be seen eating breakfast in front of a TV, while on the TV it says, "7 years, and the case has not been solved." The reporter says:

-Reporter: "This is a case that happened roughly 7 years ago, the parents were murdered and the child abducted, and to this day the child has yet to be found. Is he dead or still missing?"

The young adult turns off the TV and keeps eating. A purple haired girl comes out of the bathroom recently showered and says:

-Girl: "Tokei, we're gonna be late, get in the shower, please."

-Tokei: "Yeah yeah Shizuku, I'll go in a sec."

After getting everything done, they both head to school. When they arrive, they look up and we can see that it is Hanzō National Academy. They make their way to the shinobi course area of the school and look for Kiriya, the teacher. When they walk in a room, they see Asuka, Ikaruga, Hibari, Yagyū, and Katsuragi sitting in front of a podium and Kiriya-sensei right behind it.

-Kiriya: "And here they are, what great timing. Come here."

They both move next to Kiriya-sensei and he says:

-Kiriya: "These are Kuroyoshi Tokei and Arisaka Shizuku."

-Tokei & Shizuku: "Hello."

-Everyone: "Welcome!"

- Kiriya: "They are both on prodigy level, much like Yagyū when she first came, but apart from that, they can also transform, show them, if you may."

They both close their eyes and a whirlwind forms around them and then disappears, Tokei is covered in a black fire all around his body, and he pulls out a sword that he swings back and makes a hole on the ground. Shizuku, is covered in a Valkyrie battle outfit and a sword of her own.

-Everyone: "Awesome!!"

Everyone except for Yagyū is amazed at their forms. They turn to Kiriya and he nods so they drop their forms and get their uniforms back.

-Kiriya: "All right that's enough for now, gather up, get yourself acquainted with everyone because we have some training to do soon."
-Tokei: "Roger."
-Shizuku: "Got it."

They all gather around each other, except for Yagyū, who stays back. Hibari notices and turns around to go to her and she asks why she didn't come.

-Hibari: "Yagyū-chan, why don't you come with us?"
-Yagyū: "I don't need to meet any new people, since I have you, to me they're just ordinary people joining the Academy."
-Hibari: (Stares for a little) "Come on at least come with me, you don't have to talk if you don't want to."

Some time later they move on to a training session with Kiriya and the new students.

-Kiriya: "Okay today we will have friendly matches to see what the new students are capable of. First off Kuroyoshi Tokei and Yagyū. Then, we will have Arisaka Shizuku vs. Hibari."

(Tokei and Yagyū open their eyes widely)
In the Hanzō Academy Training Area Tokei waits on one side, and Yagyū waits on the other side, on Kiriya's signal they start the fight.
They start slow, looking at each other, but it doesn't last, for Tokei quickly attacks from the bottom, Yagyū swings her umbrella down to block and parries the attack. Tokei is sent back and Yagyū stays in place, after a few seconds, Tokei swings his sword from afar to create a wave of energy at Yagyū, he doesn't miss, but the attack doesn't reach Yagyū as she opened her umbrella to block it. When she closes it to see, there is a smokescreen covering the entire area, it clears in one spot as Tokei tries to attack from the side. Yagyū quickly notices and turns to block, but Tokei grabs her face and sends her flying.

Yagyū slams into a wall, and comes out of it with a blood stream on her forehead, she is angered by Tokei touching her face, but Tokei stands firm on his spot

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Yagyū slams into a wall, and comes out of it with a blood stream on her forehead, she is angered by Tokei touching her face, but Tokei stands firm on his spot.

-Yagyū: "That's the final straw, new blood, prepare to witness the power of a demon."

Yagyū removes her eyepatch and unleashes the Demon Slice attack, kicking up a lot of dust, but her tentacles are stopped, and when the dust clears, Tokei is seen transformed, holding the tentacles, when he looks back at Yagyū, he quickly pulls the tentacles and swings Yagyū to the other side, slamming into another wall. This time Yagyū is knocked out.

-Kiriya: "Okay that's enough, Tokei wins."
-Tokei: "You're not the only one with the powers of a demon."

Everyone runs up to Yagyū to check if she's okay, but Shizuku turns back to see Tokei looking at the ground and he swings his arm back to put his sword away and goes back to normal.

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