Chapter 12: Kagura

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After Kagura opens her eyes, she stands up and levitates towards Tokei. "I feel a strong presence coming from you. Who are you?" she says. "I am Tokei Kuroyoshi, Hanzō National Academy First-year student." Tokei answers. Kagura examines Tokei from top to bottom. "You're different from the others, I sense more from you. Show me your transformation." Kagura demands. "(Gulps) I can't, it was stolen from me." Tokei says. Both Kagura and Naraku turn around in shock, and Kagura levitates back towards Tokei and puts her hand on his shoulder. Kagura thinks to herself about what she had felt, as she didn't feel any Shinobi powers from him. Naraku calls Kagura and they talk in secret. When Kagura returns to Tokei, she tells him that Naraku and her will help him get his powers back, they say they will give him the strength to fight whoever has them and to find his way back to his powers. Tokei looks down and thinks about his decision, and after some thinking, he goes up to Kagura and tells her that he accepts.

Homura's Crimson Squad escorts Tokei back to his apartment, he thanks them and they say their goodbyes. Tokei goes inside and looks at Rei and Shizuku. Tokei sits down on the table and Shizuku makes him explain himself. Tokei explains everything and Shizuku look at him with a very serious expression. He sighs and stands up to walk to his room. Shizuku sighs as well and shakes her head, then Rei walks up to her and asks what Tokei was to Shizuku. "Well, he's, like, somebody I have to protect with all my life, even at the cost of my own." she says. Rei asks her why and Shizuku answers by saying that's what she was born for. Shizuku looks at Rei and she looks confused, so Shizuku explains what she really is, a Catalyst. By morning, when Rei wakes up, Shizuku and Tokei are arguing in the kitchen. Rei sprints over there and sees them standing in front of each other. Shizuku sighs and shakes her head with her hand in her forehead. Rei asks what happened and Tokei explains what he is planning to do with his training with the Kagura. Rei says that she will come with him, but Shizuku stops her mid-sentence. "It's no use, I already tried reasoning for us to come but he says we can't." she says. Rei asks why and Tokei explains that they are already developing well in Hanzō, but he doesn't seem to fit well in the Academy. He says he is sorry, but he will keep living with them, and leaves. "Come on, let's get ready for school." says Shizuku.

When Tokei gets to where Kagura and Naraku were waiting, they immediately get to the training. Meanwhile, at Hanzō they continue with the tournament. "Today's matches are: Ikaruga vs. Shizuku, Rei vs. Yagyū and me and Asuka." Katsuragi states. It was time for Shizuku to go up against a Hanzō Academy veteran, she was lost in thought, thinking about Tokei. Ikaruga goes up to her and sits down. "What's wrong, you're not your usual, focused self." asks Ikaruga. "Um, oh, it's nothing, don't worry." Shizuku replies. Ikaruga pats Shizuku in the shoulder and tells her to stand up and go to the field. Shizuku transforms and Ikaruga lies waiting. Katsuragi starts the match and both sides stand still. Shizuku slowly walks towards Ikaruga, Shizuku does a swift move that lets her move right in front of Ikaruga, and she swings her rapier, but Ikaruga was on the other side, to where she had seemingly teleported. Shizuku is baffled as to how she got there that fast, but stays calm and collected. Ikaruga takes a step forward and appears behind Shizuku, and swings her sword, but Shizuku is on the other side of the field. They both teleport to the middle and do a really fast volley of moves, too quick for the eye to see. When they stop, after a few seconds, their clothes rip and some blood comes out of different spots in their arms and legs. Shizuku turns around to face Ikaruga, and she turns around, calling out Oukausen, as Shizuku does Seal of Light. Oukausen goes directly towards Shizuku, but then six light bars appear around him and constraint him, making him unable to move. Ikaruga looks surprised, but she quickly turns to Shizuku standing right in front of her, and they start swinging at each other again, and a shadow of Shizuku slips behind Ikaruga and starts thrusting her rapier at her back. Ikaruga stutters, and turns around, but the real Shizuku is there, and she swings her rapier upwards, breaking Ikaruga's shirt and stopping at her bra, slightly lifting it. Ikaruga raises her arms, accepting defeat. Shizuku is out of breath, and sighs in relief, but she notices Ikaruga never transformed. Ikaruga smiles and pats Shizuku on the head. "You did well." she tells Shizuku, softly.

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