Chapter 17: Fran the lost Polish girl

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After they eat and head out, Tokei is left alone in the house without much to do, he keeps looking around for things to do, to stay distracted. The girls go window shopping and clothes shopping. Rei sees a dress that she likes and she keeps staring at it for a while, wishing she could buy it. Shizuku goes up to her and tells her it looks good and if she wanted it. Rei says she wishes she could have it, and Shizuku picks it up and gives it to Rei.
"Try it on." She says.
Rei, speechless, walks up to a fitting room and puts on the dress.
When she walks out, she was blushing and looking to the side.
"It looks great on you."
Rei's head perks up.
She takes the dress off and Shizuku takes it to the counter.
"How much does this cost ma'am?" Shizuku asks the clerk.
"It's 5,349 yen, would you like it?" The clerk answers.
"I'll take it." Shizuku clarifies.
She then takes the money out of her wallet and hands it over to the clerk.
They both say thanks and Shizuku and Rei walk out. Shizuku gives Rei the bag and tells her, "Here you go, take is a gift, a proof of our friendship."
Rei smiles and looks down, and says thank you.
Tokei sits down to watch TV and he feels a slight pain on his stomach. He stands up and walks to the bathroom and spits on the sink, to his surprise, it had blood on it. He looks on the mirror again and he had a little bit of blood running down his chin. He then looks down at his hand and closes his fist.
He goes to his room and changes into some work out clothes and he locks the apartment and leaves. He starts running to stay fit. After running full speed for about an hour he starts getting fatigued and slowing down. He stops to catch his breath and looks forward. He's at the roof of a very tall building looking down on the city from above. He closes his eyes and he takes a deep breath and jumps. He does a roll once he touches the ground and continues running. He stops and jogs to a nearby convinience store to buy some water. He walks to the fridge, takes a water bottle and when he goes to pay for it, he looks to his side to see Fujino wearing a hoodie with a drink in her hand as well. "Oi, we've met before, let me buy that for you." Tokei says. "I don't need you to buy me anything, mind your own fucking business." Fujino answers.
"I didn't get your name when we met, may I atleast know your name?"
"You don't need to know my name."
She pays and leaves, drinking her juice on the way out. Tokei gives the cashier the money and runs after Fujino.
"Hey come on, at least tell me your name." Tokei keeps asking.
"Ugh, you're annoying, get lost." Fujino says unenthusiastically.
"I just want to know more about you."
"Do you want to die?"
"I just want a new friend."
"It's not happening, get out of here."
After Fujino says that, Tokei grabs her shoulder and says to let him open up to her.
"Stop it. My objective right now is to kill you all, including that bitch Rei."
Tokei lets go of her, and turns around and leaves without saying a word.
She looks back and keeps walking while taking a big gulp of her beverage.

In the Dark Zone, the man sending people to capture Tokei is looking at a computer screen full of multiple strands of DNA. He turns around and stands up to collect a blood vial from a nearby table. He slowly opens it and pours some blood on to a sheet and then puts the sheet on a microscope. He then puts a microscopic organism on the blood and watches the blood cells multiply and regenerate.
"Soon enough, it'll be done." The man says as he hears a knock on the door.
Eiku opens the door and says she failed at capturing Tokei in sign language. The man replies with a sigh and tells her that she failed him and then screams at her to get out of the room. He turns to a glass container full of liquid that has a nude woman inside of it.
"It will all be over soon... Honey." He says in a very low tone.

Tokei gets home and sees the sun was starting to set and the girls weren't back. He gets on the shower and when he comes out he gets dressed casually. He watches tv for a while before he gets hungry and starts looking for something to eat. He eats a cookie and sits back down to watch tv. He then sighs, turns off the tv and grabs a sweater and leaves again. He goes to a nearby ramen shop and stares at the sign for a little bit.
"Hey, it's cold, come on in." says the shop manager.
He goes in and sits down on a chair.
"What'll you have?" asks the manager.
"Um, I'll have just an order of pork steam buns." Tokei answers.
"Coming right up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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