Chapter 7: Life will Change (Rei)

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Note: I'm gonna try a different way of doing dialogue, I kinda don't like the way I was doing it anymore :P.

A little Rei is walking down a snowy sidewalk, on an empty city, it is night and everything is dark. She has her arms crossed to stay warm and she is shivering non-stop. She looks up to see that there was a barrel up ahead burning from the inside out, she starts running towards it, because she thought she could finally get some warmth. She reaches the barrel and reaches out her arms towards the fire, she also sees that there is unopened canned food in a beat up table next to the barrel. Rei grabs the can and as soon as she does, the sound of a gun getting cocked resonates from behind her. She stops entirely and the man holding the gun to the back of her head says "Drop the can, girl, I found that." She opts to put the can down, "Good little girl" the man says, "Now, turn around and go before I shoot you in the fucking head." Rei doesn't move an inch, and the man shoots the floor next to Rei. "Think I'm fuckin' around huh? How about that?" Rei turns around and leaves slowly, with tears streaming down her eyes. When she manages to get far enough from the person she reaches inside her shirt to pull out another can of food. "A-at least I got away w-with one." She slowly says whilst she is shivering from the sheer cold present in her location. She goes into an alleyway and sits down in a piece of old cardboard to eat with her bare hands. A few moments later an adolescent man with a suit and a scarf followed by a girl with white skin, white hair, purple eyes, and a coat and a hood stop in front of her and slaps the can off Rei's hand. Her reaction was to pick it up, but she is stopped by the man, "A lady should never eat like that, come with me, if you do, I'll give you a house to live in, all the food you could imagine and all the best clothing. But with a price, and I'm not talking money, but you'll soon find out. So what do you say?" Rei looks up at the man with her eyes opened widely and nods very quickly. "Fine decision!" The man exclaims "Now come, let me show you the way." He says as he shows Rei a luxurious car and opens the door for her. "After you." The man says. Rei sits down on the car and looks to the flooring very shyly. The girl with white skin sits down next to Rei and then, the man after the other girl. Rei stares out the window of the car and puts her hands on it. "Have you... Never been in a car before?" The man asks. Rei turns around and gives a soft "No... Never." The man looks at her for some time and says "You don't talk much, huh? You also seem pretty shy. You're probably wondering how I asked you to come with me without mentioning your parents. I'm a man of riches, as you can see, I have been looking at you for some time, but you haven't noticed me. I've seen how you injure people and steal whatever you want." She looks at him and then diverts her look to the floor. "Yes, I've hurt many people, and I don't like it, but I always tell myself it's for my survival." she replies. The man gets closer to her and moves her face to look at him, "Okay, answer me this, what do you survive for?" he says. She stares at him in the eyes and stuttering answers "I-I d-don't fight for anything, r-really, I just f-feel l-like I have t-to." The man lets go of her face and says "Then it's destiny that we met, I'll give you whatever you want, and you'll fight for me. I want to do something, but nobody knows about it, and it's gonna take some time to get it done. Fight for me until then, and I'll make sure to give you paradise." She is skeptical of what the man promises, she looks at him from head to toe. "Deal?" says the man. "Deal..." she says softly.

-- 3 years later--

Rei is kneeling on the floor, holding a sniper, and scoped in. She is waiting for a target to come out of a building patiently, she takes her eyes out of the scope and she spots a black car stopping in front of the building she was scoping in on. Two people come out of the car, both in suits, and four other people who seem to be bodyguards. She scopes in and takes a shot, and she kills one of the bodyguards. The others notice, and start to look around, while one of them takes the two businessmen inside to cover. She waves at her partner to signify that her target may be in sight. Her partner rappels down to the front door of the building while she is shooting at the rest of the bodyguards. Rei rappels down as well from her location and they both go in with masks on. When they do, they see the building completely empty, and Rei looks up to find a Blinder Trap that flashes them both. Right then all of the bodyguards who were behind cover rise up and try to start shooting, but they see nobody in the front door. Rei and her partner are behind the front door on the outside, rubbing their eyes, while the white skinned girl slips past them and enters the building. She springs up from below, kills a guard by drilling her claws into his neck, and moves him around to use him as a shield, the men shoot at her while Rei starts shooting at the rest of the bodyguards. When they're all dead, they head in deeper into the building and go to a backdoor. There they find the three businessmen they were looking for, in the floor looking all scared. Rei asks "Where are the documents to Kuroyoshi Tokei's location?" One of the businessmen yells "YOU WILL NEVER LEARN HIS LOCATION, WE WON'T GIVE IT TO YO-..." he suddenly stops as he is shot by the white skinned girl in the forehead. "If you don't want to end up like him, you better start talking." Rei says. They tell the location of Tokei to the girls thinking they were going to be spared, but they are both shot by Rei and the white skinned girl. "Well now, that was some useful info." the girl in the mask says.

Rei wakes up scared and breathing in and out rapidly.
"These dreams, why am I having them now?" She gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She looks in the mirror and sighs while looking down.
She heads towards a room where Asuka, Ikaruga and Katsuragi are, after dressing up in her school clothes. She smiles and says hello to all of them and they say the same back. Meanwhile, she thinks, "What a week this has been, who would've thought my life would change in an instant, thanks Tokei and Shizuku."


Senran Kagura: Heart of FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora