Sasuke is not the only thing she cares About

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Another thing lots of people say about Sakura is that Sasuke is the only person and thing she cares about. That for me is a clear lie.

Sakura obviously cares about all of her teammates and has shown that she dose many many times. If all she cared about was Sasuke, then she would have not helped anyone out when she did. If all she did was care about Sasuke then Sakura would not have healed Naruto the many times she did. If she only cared about Sasuke and she really was useless then, many characters that are alive now, would have been dead (Hinata, Kankuro, Naruto, etc.)

Lots of people also call her off when she "confessed" her love to Naruto. Lots of people would say things like "oh,why would she do something like that.", "Why is she always so mean?", "She's such a bitch for doing that.", etc. 

 Well haters need to realize that. 1) Sakura did that so she could relieve Naruto of that promise he made to her those years ago. 2) Sakura's intention was not to hurt Naruto in any way. 3) Both Naruto and herself knew that she was lying. 4) she did that with good intentions.

Sakura did, believe it or not, try and kill Sasuke, but just couldn't do it. Sasuke was someone close to her and the same thing goes for Naruto. Her heart just was not up for killing someone precious to her.

Another thing people need to realize is that Sakura's love for Sasuke in part II is not like her love in the beginning of part I. In the first part of Naruto Sakura's love for Sasuke was more like a crush that later evolved into actual love. 

People always say that all she cared about was his looks and how cool he was and that she still dose. In part I that may have been true, but come on. She was only twelve and was still pretty naive and Sasuke just so happened to be the guy every girl at the time fawned over. And that thing she said when she was talking about Naruto and how he had no parents, that was out of just, again how naive she was back then. She did grow out of that though and actually did start truely caring for Naruto.

At first how much she fawned over Sasuke could actually annoy me and it sometimes still dose, but even back then she cared for Naruto. And to how many Sakura haters say that her hitting Naruto was abusive, those were not to actually hurt him, but for comedic affect. Plus, her hitting Naruto shouldn't really hurt him anyway. Naruto and Sakura's relationship is like a brother and sister. Sakura was always willing to do the best she could for him, especially in Part II.

Sakura also has done many things around the village and on the battle ground that benefited her allies. She has healed them when they needed it. It shows both off and on screen that she heals many people of their injuries. When she summoned Katsuyu then healed hundreds of people at once is a great example of that.

Medics are one of he most important things if you are in a battle. If one of your men are injured, they are the ones you send them to, to keep them alive. Just being a medic is very useful and Sakura just so happens to be a very successful one, so all you haters, at least consider what I said. Again though, these are just facts, backing up my opinion.

That's it for now, but I may update or expand some of these chapters in the near future, so if you want new info, just keep your eye out. Please review if you can too!

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