I am so mad right now!

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   Ok, I know I haven't been on for quite a while... But I. Am. Pissed. My friend today was talking to another friend about Sakura and some stupid Vs fight they saw online. It was one of Sakura vs. a Magicarp and he stupid Magicarp won!  He was like "Sakura was sooo weak, she got splashed and was like 'Sasuke, Naruto, help mee~!'"

As you can all probably guess, I was not a fan of that opinion at all! It wasn't just straight up retarded, but it was totally untrue! Like I know I'm your friend and all, but please go over there and suck a dick! Like to me, being a Sakura fan, I found that totally offensive and unrealistic. Like who the fuck would even do that? It's just totally ridiculous!

Sakura is in no fucking way weak. If punching the goddamn lights out of a freaking god is weak, than what the fuck dose someone who's strong look like?

Another thing... someone strong cannot be useless! Not given anything to do? Yes, but useless? No! Useless is when you aren't good for shit! Someone strong like Sakura isn't useless, Kishimoto just never gave her any spotlight or something to do! People these days use the term "useless" so loosely! Ok, talking about her pre-Shippuden? I can understand, but if you're talking about her Shippuden then you obviously haven't been playing attention.

And again with the comparing her to Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi... those three were freaking born with fighting. In. Their. Genes!!!! Naruto was born with the nine tails and is part of the Uzumaki clan. Sasuke is part of one of the strongest clans in the village. Both just so happen to be reincarnations of freaking gods! Kakashi's father was a man many feared and is also part of the Hatake clan!

What's Sakura's background? A civilian family. Her parents didn't even like the idea of her becoming a ninja in the beginning! And despite the differences in background, she still reached or even passed the level of Tsunade! So guess what? You can freaking suck it! I know he was my friend, but I swear if he wasn't my friend I would have made it so he had no fucking idea how to respond without changing the subject to something stupid!

And as for the "Sakura's just like any other medic" she's not. Sasori was even impressed when Sakura whipped up an antidote for his poison which is hard to make. Medics are kind of overrated in my opinion. Most medics can't do what Sakura's able to do. Most medics can't work at a surgical table even though a large percentage of their chakra was blocked off. Sakura was able to take down Sasori without using her full power. I would not call that weak or useless.

Kishimoto just never gave her enough screen time to show that.

I also hate it when people base her solely on her pre Shippuden self. She was a child then! So what if she liked Sasuke?? So what? Yeah I do agree that she was annoying and was quite a bitch, but if you've seen her abilities in Shippuden and still think "Eh, she's still a good for nothing little shit" then oh well. Good day! I'll post more when I feel like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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