My thoughts on Sakura haters

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I've seen many rants up against Sakura's character and I notice a lot of things that those rants had in common... they never took the emotions people had that opposed their thought into consideration. I mean I do too know that there are people out there that support Sakura that do that too, but I mean... come on. You don't have to attack the people who oppose your opinion and make what they think personally. 

 I was never a real fan whenever haters don't take others into consideration and just put out what they had to say, like what they believed had to be what everyone else  believed. It's just not right to say things like "Sakura's such a bitch and if you support her than you are too." or something like that. I can't even begin to what I think when I see things like that.

When you rant on a character KEEP THE RANT ON THE CHARACTER!! Don't go dragging in the people that like the character you don't like! And what they say about Sakura is exactly what they say she isn't.

Her haters sometimes just really need to take a chill pill cuz bringing people in personally is just wrong, especially if you know how rude you're being and still do it. Do they not know how offended people get when they read something calling them something because of what like? That's just not cool. I myself actually feel real hurt because 1) The person doesn't even know me and has no single right to call me something like a "bitch" and 2) They hate Sakura's character soo much that you even hate on the people that like her.

I myself personally don't see what she did so wrong that made people hate her this much, cuz sometimes their rants are just freaking ridiculous. Just remember that everything in this book is all my opinion and that you don't have to agree with everything I say. I will respect what you all think and including what the Sakura haters think.

Thanks for reading and if you all can please review! Thanks again 

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