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"You've got two weeks until your due date, Mrs. Benson!" a man says. "So, let's take a look at this little fella!"

A shadow went back and forth over me. This happens sometimes. Mommy always says it's cold when this happens.

"El, look!" Mommy says happily. "There's my little boy!"

"He's beautiful, Liv!" Elliot says to her. Are they talking about me? I get excited and move around some. "He's active today!"

"Has been all morning!"

The man started talking. "I'll have my nurse print you off some pictures. So I'm just curious as to why you wanted another appointment so soon after the last."

"Well," mommy paused for a second. "I went back to Joe's. I had to get some things and I went alone."

"He hit you again?" the man asked. "I told you the last time that I'm going to have to file a report if it happens again."

"Dr. Humphrey, please don't. I've made up my mind that after the baby's born, I will. I will walk into that squad room and talk to my captain."

"Olivia, you're a detective. You know how these things work. I've put it off too long and I don't want this happening again. I'm sorry, but I'm filing the report." A shadow covers the light.


Mommy is telling someone about Joe. She says he beat her up and made her do bad things. That's not nice.

"Cragen, please-"

"I'll be discrete."

"Thank you," she says.

After a few minutes, mommy was talking to Elliot and she said she wants to go home and take a nap. So, Elliot took us all home. Once we got home, mommy laid down and I think Elliot laid next to her because they were still talking until she fell asleep.

Once mommy fell asleep, I did, too.

A/n: I'm sorry it's so short, but it's something, right? The next chapter will be the last chapter I think. But hopefully, you'll like it. I'm still thinking about doing a story from outside the womb, so for those of you who wanted that, it is coming! Also, I'm going to do another story, based off this one, that I think you'll all like.
Plus, I'm using this story as my project in my creative writing class! So, I'll just have to hope it's not considered cheating since ya already written, haha. Anyways. Hope everyone's is having a great day. Again, sorry for such a long wait.

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