Chapter 7

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She hadn't been lying when she said she had plans. She had promised Noah she'd go to dinner with him to make up for not seeing him last Friday night at the meet and greet nor during the week.

She arrived to the café and saw him sitting there, looking handsome in a button-down shirt and tie. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat. He had already ordered a glass of wine for her so she took a sip.

"How was your week? I missed you." He said looking at her, expectantly.

She brushed over the "I missed you" and said instead, "It was great, incredibly busy though. Last semester and all."

"How did your first week go of teaching? Students alright?" She asked.

He proceeded to tell her all about each class and as he did so, her mind drifted to thoughts of Dan. The way his curls reached the top of his eyebrow, messy yet perfect. The way he had held her gaze that first day in class, seemingly forgetting himself for a moment. She wondered...

"Blair?" Noah looked a bit irritated. Shit, she hadn't been listening.

"I'm sorry could you repeat that? I started thinking about classes too and everything I need to do."

"I asked you about the new professor. Dan Humphrey right? I heard he's a writer from the Upper East Side who went to NYU like you." She froze at the mention of his name. "Did you two know each other?"

"We had a class or two together... He's not from the Upper East Side"  though." She couldn't resist adding that last part. For someone to think Dan was from the Upper East Side was somewhat ridiculous.

"Oh, pretty cool. I've never heard of him, though. Apparently, he wrote a best-selling book?"

Good, he didn't know much about him. She thought of a way to change the subject. Him talking about Dan made her uncomfortable. It was like two worlds merging which she had so carefully kept separate. She looked into his sharp blue eyes and wished she was looking into Dan's warm brown eyes.

At last food arrived, giving her a reprieve from the conversation. It was exhausting, with the thoughts of Dan floating in and out while trying to focus on Noah.

The night proceeded normally. At the end, she again feigned too many assignments to be able to go back to his place. 

"I hope this isn't a preview of the semester to come. You avoiding me..." His eyes looked sad. 

"I'm not avoiding you, really." She lied. "Thank you so much for dinner, I am so glad we got to spend some time together."

"Me too." He gave her a kiss and said, "Goodnight Blair." 

She returned home, feeling relieved to be away from him. Noah was so sweet and good to her. It made her feel guilty she didn't feel the same way about him. At least, not yet. Before Dan showed up she really felt hopeful about a future with him. Noah was the type of guy who life would be easy with. The type of guy she should go for. Not Dan and their complicated past.

It's not like the option was still available anyways. Sure he seemed happy to see her but that didn't mean he still felt anything for her. Right? 

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