Chapter 16

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She was in a state of total and utter blissfulness come Monday morning. She had woken up next to Dan again and carpooled with him to the campus. He kissed her before approaching the campus so they wouldn't be seen.

In class, she noticed him looking at her more than usual. Fighting a smile while she did the same. Note taking seemed a little less important since she now had the professor as tutor in Dan but she did anyways. If just to help her focus on class.

After class ended and everyone else had left the class, she descended the stairs with a smile. He followed her out. "Do you have to head to your next class already?"

"I probably should... I don't want to though."

He groaned. "Text me after class."

"I will." She said and then turned away heading to class.

She had gotten about five feet away from him she felt a tug at her arm. She turned, grinning, expecting to see Dan stopping her for a kiss. But it wasn't him.

"Blair!" Noah said in an exasperated tone.

She froze. He kissed her on the cheek. Oh no. Not in front of Dan. She was positive he was still standing there, watching them.

She decided acting nonchalant was the best option. "Hey Noah, what's up? Walk with me? My class is this way."

"Sure." She practically dragged him away, turning right so they would be out of eye and earshot.

"So what's up?" She asked again. Confused as to what would be so urgent he would practically accost her in the hallway.

He smiled. "I should ask the same of you. I haven't seen you in over a week. Or even heard from you. Avoiding me?" He said it with a teasing smile, clearly not being serious.

"I'm sorry, this semester is just so busy for me so far. We should talk though. Maybe coffee tomorrow?"

"Fine, I'll have to settle for that." He jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'll text you to see what time in the morning."

He leaned in and tried to kiss her but she turned his cheek towards his mouth. "There's too many people around." She explained, hoping the excuse would satisfy him.

He glanced around, confused since there was hardly any students near them.

She said, "I'll see you later." before he could point it out. Then she headed into class.

Well, that was worst case scenario. In her bubble of happiness, she had completely forgotten about Noah having a break right when her class got out. She was so careless. What would she say to Dan?

Dan wouldn't have been the way he had over the weekend had he known. She felt certain of that. Of course, that was probably why she hadn't said anything. She was so selfish. She didn't know if she would be able to fix things and she felt filled with despair. 

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