Chapter 15

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Blair woke up at 9 am precisely to the smell of coffee. She opened her eyes fully to see Dan walking in. 

"I brought you breakfast." 

"How long have you been up?"

"Just 30 minutes or so, I went to that cafe downstairs." 

"Thanks." She said taking the cup from her. He sat down next to her in bed, kicking his shoes off first. He kissed her and smiled. 

This morning, it wasn't awkward. It was like the tension had just needed to be melted by being together again in order to make things feel right between them again. She sighed contentedly. 

"What should we do today?" He asked. "Besides go get me a change of clothes."

She loved that now there was no question of if they should spend the day together like there had been last weekend. 

This, she said setting the coffee down on her nightstand and curling up next to him. She closed her eyes momentarily. She thought of how she supposed this was inevitable. She wouldn't have fought her feelings os hard if she knew though that he still wanted her, even after three years. All the people of the past that had complicated things absent now and unable to stand in the way.


Noah. How had she forgotten? Things were messier than she thought. I mean at least they weren't defined as exclusive so she wasn't cheating, at least she didn't think so. But either way, she had to break it off. And tell Dan. No... She didn't want to ruin the perfect day that lay ahead. During the week she decided. It could wait.. She pushed all thoughts of Noah back out of her mind and focused on Dan again. 

"Let's go to the farmers market. We can get food for a picnic and then go to the park by the Eiffel Tower."

"That sounds perfect." He said in agreement. 

They spent the afternoon picnicking in the park. Laughing about old memories they shared, it was so much easier to reminisce now. It brought her joy instead of sadness.

Afterward, they went back to her apartment. Not ready to say goodbye yet. They shared dinner together in her apartment, with a movie on in the background. He admitted he had grabbed an extra change of clothes from his apartment "in case." 

The perfect end to their weekend. 

Coffee and Croissantsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن