xRpMx13 Batman

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"I'm so sick of this place. I'm so sick of this life. I'm especially sick of this world. I can't take this anymore." You cried. You began to pack a bag, crabbed all the cash you had, and marched out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Your drunken mother asked.

"I'm leaving you've been getting drunk every night since dad died and I'm sick of being here so I'm leaving goodbye mom." You stated marching out the door.

"You'll come back you'll see how much you need me!" She yelled but you ingnored her. You dug your car keys from you pocket and got into your shitty car and drove off. It began to rain and the windshield wipers began to swish and swash. Then only for a second You blinked. That's when a car almost came crashing into you but you swerved off the road into a ditch. There was a dinging in your ears, a throbbing on the side of your head, and things were beginning to fade out.

       You woke up in a room filled with light and there was a stranger beside my bed with his head in his hands. "Excuse  me who are you?' I asked poking his shoulder. He looked at me with an astonished look.

"I'm Ryan the guy who almost crashed in to you. I called the ambulance and came here everyday waiting to apolgize. I'm so sorry about what happened. Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"No you're fine I'm sure I'll manage." You respond.

"Aww come on let me at least take a pretty girl like you out for dinner when you get out. Or I'll drive you home if you want." Ryan says.

"I uh don't have a home I kinda moved out but in a way ran out to live on my own but in a way barged out of the house with no where to go." You told him.

"Well I wouldn't mind letting you stay with me." He replied.

"That'd be cool." You say. "Oh and I'm (Y/N)."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm gonna go sign you out cause the doctor said you were free to go befor eyou woke up so I'm gonna go sign you out as you boyfriend ok." He says.

"I'm ok with that and I don't mind it."You winked. He left and you couldn't help but think about him. Then a nurse came in with your belongings and clothes. You nodded in thanks and closed the blinds so You could get dressed.

  "Ah babe there you are."Ryan said giving you a hug and kissing your cheek. You blushed and felt your heart flutter. You quickly pecked his cheek and stood by the counter as he signed you out. He grabbed your hand and you two walked out as if you were actually in love.

"So can I still take you out to dinner?" Ryan asked still holding your hand.

"Yeah I'd like that." You responded. This is the start of something beautiful.


Yay 3rd imagine. Sorry if its not that good.  okay so I still need comments on who to do next so please comment below  and I'll be sure to do that youtuber. Please it means the world to me and please remember to vote comment and follow for more stories that I've done and I'll see you in the next imagine. Bye

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