Award show ~ALLY

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"Y/n can you turn to the side please!"

"Y/n look over here!


I was walking the red carpet at the billboard music awards and photographers were trying to get perfect shots of me from all angles. I was used to it by now since I had been doing this for about 3 years.

I was one of the biggest artists in the world like drake and justin bieber.

I continued walking and spotted my friends Kylie, Kendall, Khloe, Kim, North and Kanye all walking together.

Kendall saw me and starting squealing making everyone else look my way also.

"Y/n/n" North said and ran over to me. I scooped her up in my arms and spun her around.

"Hey Nor"

The rest of them came over too. I put North down and hugged each of them. They had been like family to me and they always gave me advice when I had a problem.

I had even been in a couple of episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

"So Y/n" Kylie said "Remember I when I said that I would set you up with my friend" She asked and I nodded while rolling my eyes.

"Well she's coming here tonight!" She said

"Oh that's cool" I said not really excited. All of the people that Kylie tried to set me up with only cared about my money or my fame.

My manager came over and told me that I had an interview to do so I told them bye and walked to the end of the red carpet.


After the interview I was lead to my seat. I was sitting next to the girls of fifth harmony and on my other side was my other friend Rihanna.

"Hey gurl" she said


I looked to my side and saw the girls staring at me and Rihanna with their mouths wide open.

"Oh my god...." I heard Lauren whisper

The one closet to me was Ally.

"Hey Y/ she like....." Ally stutter nervously.

"Oh are you the person she wanted me to meet?" I asked and she nodded with a small smile.

"Well then....Hi I'm Y/n. What's your name?" I said with a face eating grin.

She giggled at my silliness then said "Hi Y/n, I'm Ally" she looked at the rest of the girls and they all looked shocked.

We all were brought out of our thoughts when the lights dimmed signaling that the show was starting.

"And welcome your host...Kevin Hart" the announcer said and everyone clapped.

I turned my head to look at Ally and I couldn't stop staring at her. She was just so beautiful.

"Do I have something on my face?" I heard her say bringing me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and turned forward.

And the nominees are....

The first award was Favorite pop singer. I was nominated in this category.

They said all the nominees and now they were going to announce the winner.


The crowd erupted in applause as I got up and walked down the isle to the stage I got up there praying that I don't trip.


The show was finally over I won 6 awards all together and performed.

Fifth harmony won 2 awards and performed also. Me and Ally actually got really close and exchanged numbers. She was super nice and really funny.

I was now walking to my limo so that I could go home and sleep.

"Hey Y/n wait up" I heard

I turned around "Hi ally"

"I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go out with me sometime?"she asked shyly causing me to smile

"I'd love to" I said

"Ok Call me" I nodded look down into her eyes since she was so much shorter than me.

"See ya"

"Bye Y/n"



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