Through the Night (Harry Styles)

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I was sitting in the park, enjoying my day and texting my adorable boyfriend when my friend came to the park to practice volleyball. I had missed yesterday at school so I texted her to bring my homework and any notes from our classes.

"Hey Maddi! Do you want to go to a party tonight? It'll be fun!" Christy begged from behind me. I looked up from my phone and smiled.

"Sure, but first, where is it?" I asked standing up brushing the grass off of my legs. she handed me the papers and cocked her head slightly to the left

"Its at Liam's. He didn't tell you yestersday?"

"No. I wasn't there yesterday." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah... and you didn't hear this from me but... I think Liam likes you."

"What? No. That's impossible." I said as my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked back down and smiled as my eyes flicked across the cracked screen. My best friend Tally threw it across the room when she came home drunk one night. After that I proceeded to hold her purple-tipped, blond hair out of the toilet as she threw up almost all of the alcohol she consumed that night.

"Who's texting you?" Christy asked snatching my phone out of my hand. She quickly read the name and looked at me confused.

"Give me my-"

"Haz? you mean Harry!? Madison, you have to stay away from him. He has the worst reputation out of everyone at school. You know that, don't you?"


"And why does his name have a heart by it?" She said holding my phone so that I could see it. 

I forgot that his contact name is Haz<3 

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I said taking my phone back. "And he's actually really nice once you get to know him."

"Like I care. Like anyone cares. The only reason girls go out with him is because he's amazing in bed." she said. My mouth dropped and I slapped her on the arm.

"Hey! That's not true."

"What was that for? And yes it is, you can even ask anyone you would like."

"Whatever. I gotta get going if I want to be able to be ready in time. I take forever getting ready."

"OK. I'll see you at the party." She said hugging me. I walked to my car and drove home listening to the radio. Wen I got home, I noticed my mom's car was gone. I walked up to the door pulling out my keys but the door was cracked open. The only person in our family that left the door open was my grandmother. I smiled as I walked inside, hoping I was right. Which I was.

"Hi sweetie! I just came over to pick up Samantha." She said. My 5 year old sister came running out of her room.

"Can I say bye to Harry first? Please!" She begged. I don't know why but she instantly fell in love with Harry.

"OK. Fine. Can I just drop her off at your house. He's actually coming over later." I told my grandma.

"Sure. Just don't be too late. We have to go to bed early tonight. We have a surprise for the little one in the morning." She said hugging Sam. I smiled and nodded getting a hug from her too. She left the front door open when she went outside. I went to close it and call Harry.

" Hey beautiful! What's up?"

"Your little girlfriend wants to see you. And I might go to Liam's party tonight if you want to join." He laughed at the first part.

"Put her on the phone." He said. I handed the phone to my little sister and guided her upstairs with me to my room. I sat her down on my bed and went to my closet to find something to wear. Sam would either constantly talk or say ohh and wow at times. I grabbed a dress from my closet and got changed really quick. I grabbed a curling wand out of the bathroom and plugged it up. Sam looked at me and stopped talking as she looked me over.

"Yeah. She looks really really pretty." She said smiling at me.

"Thank you Sammie." I said as I grabbed my shoes and a jacket. I quickly curled my hair and pinned my bangs back so they wouldn't be in my face all night. I walked over to the bed and asked her for the phone back.

"Hey, I'm ready when you are, but we can't be too late. We have to drop off Sam at my grandma's house."

"OK. That's fine. Ill be there in 10 minutes. Bye love."

"Bye." I said with a smile.

"He really likes you Maddi." She said with a smile. I flopped back onto my bed.

"I know." I said, a smile spreading across my face. Now I just had to wait until he got there.

Through the Night (Harry Styles)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora