Chapter 6

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"Of course baby. Anything for you today." He kissed the top of my head and let his fingers run along my spine. I could hear him humming to The Fray again as I drifted off to sleep through the day.

Maddi's P.O.V:

        I woke up to find an empty bed and the pillows on the ground. Harry had disappeared somewhere, leaving my in the bed by myself. I got myself up and noticed i had one of Harry's shirts on. It came down to the middle of my thigh so I decided to just run to my room and get a pair of shorts. After pulling them up my legs, I ran down the flight of stairs and started looking for the guys.

"Harry?" I said out loud. "Niall?" I went into the kitchen. There were fresh pancakes on the counter, but no one was there to say who made them. "Louis?" I said, hoping he didnt go back to sleep after i woke him up. "Zayn!" I called out when i didn't get an answer. "LIAM!" I yelled. I heard the back door slide open and saw someone walk in. I moved myself around the island in the middle of the kitchen to provide myself a little bit of protection from the mystery person.

"Yes?" Li said. I relaxed and jumped up onto the counter.

"I was just wondering where you guys went. There's pancakes here but you weren't." 

"Yeah. We are all outside. I found you and Hazza sleeping in his bed and we needed to clean up. Harry said you were tired so he let you sleep and we all started cleaning up the back yard. We are almost done, except for the tampon at the bottom of the pool..." He said and blushed.

"Then someone dive and get it."

"No! I'm not touching it!"

"Then I will. But you guys owe me." I said walking to the door. I had a bra and shorts on under the shirt so I would just jump in. At least thats what I thought I would do. 

"Girl! Put some clothes on!" Louis yelled when he saw me. I blushed, realizing they didnt know what i had under it.

"I have shorts on you goof. And Li told me that there was a tampon-"

"Call it a missle! 'Tampon' is an embarassing word." Niall shouted.

"He told me there was a tampon at the bottom of the pool. I will dive to get it but you guys each owe me something."

"Ok." They all chorused together. I walked to the side of the pool and got ready to jump into the surely freezing pool. I stepped back a little and started running to the pool. At the last second, I dolphin-dived into the water. the cold took a second to hit me, but I opened my eyes and started swimming to the bottom. i saw a little red blob on the ground when i got closer, i noticed the string was missing. i wasnt touching that with my bare hands. I quickly flipped around and launched my self off the bottom. When i broke the surface of the water, I took in a deep breath.

"Did you get it!?" Harry asked eagerly.

"No. There is no string. Im not grabbing it."

"Tampons have strings?"

"Yes. They do Harry."

"What for?"

"Can we talk about this some other time. Like maybe when I'm not in a freezing pool?"

"Ok. So what do you need? Like, a  Ziplock or something?"

"Yeah. Could you get it for me?"

"Yeah." He said before standing and disappearing into the house. He came back out with a gallon size bag. "Here you go." He handed me the bag, confidently smiling. I rolled my eyes and took it. putting my elbows on the edge of the pool and opening the bag. I turned it inside out and put my hand in it. I took a breath before submerging myself again. I swam down to the tampon again and quickly put the bag around it. I flipped the bag right side out and zipped it closed. Once again, I pushed myself off the ground and took in a much needed breath. I opened the bag just enough to let out the water and turned it upside down. Walking over to the steps at the shallow end, I flipped the bag back over, zipped it closed and tossed it to the closest guy. Which happened to be Niall.

"EWWWWW!!!" He yelled and threw it at Louis' face. He screamed like a litte girl and hit it away from his face, straight into Zayn's chest. Instincts to catch kicked in and he held the bag to his chest. Looking down, he realized what it was and gagged. Zayn threw it to Liam, Who automatically tossed it to Harry. He was the only mature one at the moment because he just held the bag and walked over to the home-made fire pit.

"We will burn it later tonight." He said, tossing it in the pit.

"Ok. Sounds like a plan." Louis agreed. I laughed and started to wring out the shirt. Being soaked with chlorinated water, it felt like a thousand pounds.

"Now that you're not in the pool, will you tell me what the string on a tampon is for?" Harry asked, completely serious.

"NO! I will not tell you what the string on a tampon is for!" I said, twisting the end of the shirt.

"It's for easy removal, Haz." Zayn said. I looked at Harry to see his expression.


"I didn't tell him for a reason, Zayn." I said. Harry had ran to me and, even though I was still soaked, hugged me to him. This was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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