Chapter 5

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I woke up in Niall's room. The sun was just coming through the window, where the curtains had been pulled back. I sat up sleepily and looked around. I sat a figure on the floor, next to the bed. I leaned over to find Liam laying on a little blanket.

"Liam, Liam. Wake up, Li." I said. He started waking up, but it wasn't as fast as i would have liked it to be. I grabbed a pillow from behind my head and hit him. He sat straight up.

"Whats going on?" He asked, obviously flustered.

"Liam, come up here. Where are the others?" I asked him. He stood up and shrugged. He walked around the bed and climbed on to it. The bed was a queen, like mine, so there was plenty of room for the both of us.

"No idea." He said sleepily. He pulled the blanket back and slipped under it. He was already falling back into his slumber when I turned over to look at him.

"Lazy." I laughed. He stuck his tongue out, not opening his eyes. I climbed put of the bed, making sure to jump around on it as much as I could. He pulled the blanket over his head and groaned. I laughed and went out the door to my room. Looking through the closet, I found a pair of black leggings and a deep purple sweater dress. It wasn't too fancy, but I wanted to look nice in case we were going out. I went back to Niall's room to see if Liam was still there. Sure enough, he was.

"I'm going down stairs Liam. You might want to go back to your room."

"OK. Alright. I'll get up." He said.

"Why were you sleeping on the ground anyways?" I asked him, looking around the room.

"I told Harry that I would watch over you. He went out to the gym after you had fallen asleep. Said he needed to calm down or something." He told me. My heart dropped to my stomach. Whenever he goes to the gym to 'calm down' he came back with bruises and cuts and sometimes a broken hand.

"Where is he right now? Liam, I have to see him." I said, my breath quickening and shallowing.

"Madison, calm down. He's alright. Niall went down to the gym and picked him up. He's in his room right now. All of the guys stayed here last night." He explained. My mind was focused on him being in his room. He was just a couple doors down. I turned to run, but There was a pair of arms around me already.

"Liam, no! Let me see him! Please!"

"Maddi, he's asleep. Niall said there was only a small bruise on his knuckle. Let him sleep, love. He's alright." He told me. I tried to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let go. I finally gave up and slumped against him. I felt him exhale heavily on the top of my head. My hands gripped his forearms and pulled, trying to get him to let go of me. He dropped his arms as I turned around to look at him.

"Can I please just go in there?" I asked. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Don't do that! Maddi that's not even close to fair."

"Please..." I begged. I held my hands together, under my chin, and pouted my lower lip. He huffed.

"Alright. Fine. But don't wake..."

"I won't!" I yelled. I ran down the hall to Harry's room and quietly opened it. I saw him on his bed. He wasn't laying down at all. He was sitting up on the edge of his bed singing. I couldn't tell which song it was but i could hear the notes floating through the room.

"Harry? Can I come in?" I said. He turned around and nodded, still singing. I padded across the room to the bed. He continue to sing as I snaked my arms around his shoulders. I pressed a kiss to his shoulder and realized what song he was singing. You Found Me by The Fray.

"Where were you?

Just a little late

You found me, you found me

Why'd you have to wait?

To find me, to find me"

He finished and twisted in my arms. His eyes were glossy, telling me he had been crying almost.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked. He dropped his eyes and blinked away the tears. I shifted to where I was sitting next to him and pulleed him into me.

"I, I can't explain." He mummbled.

"What do you mean?" I said, running my fingers through his hair.

"I mean I don't know how to."

"Ok. You don't have to. But can I check your hands?" I said. He looked up at me and smiled a little.

"Is that what you really came in here for?" He asked, wiping his eyes.

"Maybe... Liam told me you went out to the gym last night. I got kinda worried."

"I know baby. Niall already checked my hands, wrists, arms, ribs, jaw, and everything. I just have a bruise on my hand. But thats frm hitting it on the counter when I got home..."

"Ok. I still want to check though." I said grabbing his hands lightly. He rolled his eyes and let me examine him. I checked all his fingers, the palms and backs of his hands. I checked his wrists and forearms, his ribs, and his face. I gingerly ran my fingers along the sharp lines of his jaw, across his plump lips, and finished by cupping his cheek in my hand.

"Thankyou nurse." He joked. I smiled at him and laughed.

"You're welcome Mr. Styles. But I have one more test for your lips. Would you mind?"

"I won't in a million years." He said. I smiled and pulled his lips to mine. Loving the way they felt against my mouth, I smiled. He gently bit on my lower lip, pulling it back before diving back down to reconnect our lips. He parted my lips with his and let his tongue explore my mouth. I met his tongue with mine and tangled my hands in his hair. He broke the kiss and I frowned at the loss of contact. He smiled at me and kissed my lips once more before laying down. I joined him, laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my back. I slung my arm across his torso and quickly feel asleep in the comfort of his cuddling.

"Can today just be our lazy day? I don't wanna get up." I asked him. He chuckled.

"Of course baby. Anything for you today." He kissed the top of my head and let his fingers run along my spine. I could hear him humming to The Fray again as I drifted off to sleep through the day.

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