Chapter 2 : Sleep Talking

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Woozi's P.O.V :

After the meeting all the members got up and got ready for bed but, tonight it was different. There was a lot more chit chat and I could hear everything. Questions being past around and unknown answers floating more like thoughts. So instead of waiting in line for the bathroom or talking to everyone I waited till the questions stopped being past around. I waited in till after they went to sleep and took my shower then brushed my teeth. After that I tip toed in to the room I shared with Joshua,Jeonghan, DK,and Seungkwan making sure not to wake them. When I finally got in to my bed I laid my wet hair on my pillow and tried to go to sleep. But it wasn't working, I just ended up looking at the wall wondering if my sister was okay staying in a house with 12 boys and her brother. JIHOON SNAP OUT OF IT!!! STOP WORRYING ABOUT HER SHE'S NOT A LITTLE GIRL ANY MORE!!!

Dino's P.O.V :

I was sleeping but I remembered that I forgot my water downstairs. I got out of bed as quietly as possible so I didn't wake up the other members. As I was walking down the hallway to get my water I heard faint talking coming from the vocal units room. As I came closer I realized it was Woozi's voice. I peeked in to the room to realize he was talking to him self. I couldn't help but laugh. I let out a slight chuckle and Jihoon must of heard it because he jumped up. I laughed even more looking at his face as he was trying to figure out where the laugh came from.

He looked at the door and said
" Dino I know it's you come out."

Still laughing I revealed myself. He motioned for me to come and sit next to him so I did.

" What are you doing up so late hmm?" Jihoon questioned.

" Oh just came out to get my water, " I replied while whispering.

He pulled the blanket over him self and some over me.

" Hey what are YOU doing up so late hmm? " I copied him.

" Just talking to my self a little bit. "

I gave him a crazy look, like who talks to them selfs. As soon as I went to say something when his head hit my shoulder. I looked down and he was sleeping like a baby. Watching him sleep made me sleepy. I yawned and put my head on his head. As soon as you knew it I was sleep my self.

// Sorry if this sucks XD I tried my best ^_^ Sorry if there's any spelling errors. Stay tuned the sisters coming in the next chapter I'm still trying to find a name for her. Comment one if you have a name pwease :) Bye Bye \\

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