Chapter 1

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Dedicated to thefreakyflamingo for being one of my star baby. Keep on inspiring others with your "Herstory" and I'm waiting for another update sweetie.

It was around seven in the morning when I left Callie's house after I picked her up and drove to work. I was silent almost the whole trip and I didn't bother to make a conversation with her acting as if I am focused on the road. I parked the car as soon as Callie jumped out of the car and joined her in the elevator after a while. There were six employees in the lift when we joined the ride up to the 20th floor which hold the publishing company's office. I settled at the left corner of the elevator resting my back on the cold steel wall and having a grip on the bar handle. I closed my eyes as I rest my head on the wall since I wasn't able to sleep well last night.

I dreamed of my brother and it haunted me when I woke up since I don't have any idea how is he or where is he right now. I felt the heaviness in my heart and I can't deny the fact that I missed him so much.

"I'm getting jealous." Callie made me open my eyes with wonder on her words. I don't know what she's talking about. "Enlighten me please. Don't mumble words Callie." I told her as I lock my gaze on the door of the lift.

"Of you, because you still look amazingly beautiful with all those eye bags. How did you do that?" I didn't respond to her words but can't stop from rolling my eyes on her. I don't know if I'll find her funny but yeah I have all those bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep but who the hell cares, I'm not here for a pageant.

"Care to tell me what's bothering you? Is he handsome?" she added when I didn't say a word to her comments a while ago which made my eyebrows furrowed. "Want me to screw the plan?"

"Never mind. Forget that I'd ask. I won't discuss it again." She knows me well too coz she knows when to be hardheaded with me. She knows when I keep quiet, I need silence. "Good!" and I walk out of the lift and walk to the lobby of the office.

I took my seat on my cubicle while she took the one beside mine. I focus on work as soon as I started to do the work. As trainees, we were asked to proofread manuscripts submitted by aspiring writers who dreamed their work to be published. In my four months her in The Flip, I get to know a lot of aspiring writers who really have the passion in writing. Of course, I get to know the people too who run the company, they don't just settle for the good one or the better ones. They're always looking for the best, may it's an employee or their writers. The Flip had such high standards when it comes to their products and employees and I and Callie both wanted to belong in the company.

Lunch time came and we took it at the same cafe we use do hangout across the building. My mood was a bit lighter now and Callie talked about the plan she had in mind. Once we're done eating, we went back to the office and get our ass back to work.

Around four thirty in the afternoon, all trainees were gathered in the conference room for final meeting with regards to the evaluation requirement. We're twelve all in all who passed the series of interviews when we applied for training here. I can't imagine how we're gonna pass all but Callie and I wants ours to be the best and we will work for it. We're dismissed after some discussions and clarifications. I release a deep sight when I jump out of the lift once we reached the lobby of the building.

"Wanna come with me to see Dad? We can have dinner after." I told Callie as we walk the lobby to the entrance of the building to get my car. "I guess I can't. I have to finalize the plan and I'm gonna give you an update tonight about it. You my regards to Uncle Lambert." she said as she give me a peek on my cheek as her goodbye. "You sure?" she nodded. "You take care and call me when you get home okay?" I told her as I climb the driver seat of my silver Audi and drove to my father's office.

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