Chapter 7

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"Mornings are new beginnings, new hope and new dreams."


I dedicate this chapter to all Glimpsers! cutemaxx, marlaxy, lookatthatweirdguy, thefreakyflamingo, Tring24, cgStiles, _bloodyGAIL_, AteTabachingching, xxxsuhoxx, DanielleTolentino24, nyxapollox, OneEyedPurpleAddict, allungX, twinxs21, castillerhershey

Mornings are used to be dull and boring except Thursday morning. But my morning was great when I saw Kenji's face on the pillow beside me. I had a good night sleep and I don't have bad dreams. Maybe because my heart is happy and one less stressed unlike before Kenji arrived.

I close my eyes and uttered a short prayer thanking Him for my brother. I went straight to the shower while he's still asleep. My bedside alarm clock says it's six in the morning. I have a meeting at nine o'clock and contract signing at ten.

I was smiling and singing while on the shower. My heart is undeniably happy. At least I only have one more problem to solve and that's quite big but I know my heart won't give up.

I was checking on my clothes at my walk in closet when I heard Kenji talking to someone. I continued changing for my office attire and went back to my room when done.

Kenji was sitting on the bed with his phone on his hand but his face looks gloomy.

"What happened?" I asked as I patted him on his shoulder.

"It's Penelope. He said he can't stay long and had to go back home ahead."

"And why is that?"

"Got her tantrums maybe. I don't know." He said and went straight to the bathroom after he left his phone on my bedside table.

"Find me downstairs for breakfast after you freshen up. I'll introduce you to the investors today."

He uttered "okay" and I went down to find Gus. He's already at the "Fresco", one of our in house restaurant that caters a variety of cuisine. It's my favorite here coz I can choose what I want to eat depending on my mood.

"You still remember his favorite?" I ask Gus when I settled on the chair he pulled for me on  my favorite spot of the restaurant, on the corner left wing.

"Yes. I had it prepared."

"That's great Gus."

My coffee was served and it add up some better moods early the morning. It was a great day indeed and I don't want this day to end.

But reality strikes when I saw a group of five men approach Ken as he was about to join our table.

With the looks of it, they're his workmates and I realize this day will end soon.

I focused on my coffee and waited for Kenji join us in the table.

"Happy now?" Ask Gus as he stir his coffee

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