0.0 - "Who is this?"

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Finn Woldhard's Point of View:

"It's finally summer buddy, old friend," I say to my best friend Caleb. He's been my best friend since kindergarten and he's been my next door neighbor since forever it feels like. We are now in middle school as 8th graders so we go way back. He is essentially my brother.

"Finn, it's time for us to go to parties, midnight store runs, and run 'til we can't go anymore." He says with a chuckle.

"Good joke. I don't party, I'm anti-social." I laugh back. I get this random vibration in my pocket and Caleb looks directly at my pocket.

"Dude, look at the text." He says taking the phone from my pocket. He gets a perplexed look on his face and hands me the phone. I look at the number in which I do not recognize.  I open the text to read off this to him:

From: (385) 201-4465

Hey, Hottie. Smile, it looks great on you.

To: (385) 201-4465

Ummm, sorry. Who is this?

From: (385) 201-4465

Millie? Your best friend?

To: (385) 201-4465

I think you have a wrong number.

From: (385) 201-4465

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Millie by the way. Bye.

"It's just a wrong number. Finn still has no new friends." I say pouting in the third person. Caleb's been the only real friend I've had. Everyone else got tired of me and gave up.

"Dude, text her back. You can't and won't go into your turtle shell again. Step out of your comfort zone a bit and make a new friend." He responds while pushing my shoulder playfully. 

"B-but she seemed embarrassed. I don't want to make it worse like I do everything else." I stutter while looking at my feet.

"So go make her feel better. Tell her that it's okay and that it happens to the best of us." He says changing her contact name to "Millie"

"Do I have too?" I groan.

"Yes, yes you do." He says looking at me directly in the eye.

"You're lucky I trust you." I sigh. I lean back in the chair and text Millie.

To: Millie

No, no, no. It's okay, don't worry about it. It happens to all of us. I'm Finn, Finn Wolfhard.

From: Millie

Awww. Thanks. Also, you're THE Finn Wolfhard.

To: Millie

Uhh, yeah why?

From: Millie

Dude, you're practically famous at our school.

To: Millie

Our school?

From: Millie

Yeah, we go to the same school. I think we have advanced choir together, we just sit nowhere near each other.

To: Millie

Oh. I feel like a douche for not knowing that. I'm sorry.

From: Millie

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