0.9 - Let's Go Get Her

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*trigger warning - swearing*

"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. THIS IS CRAZY!" I shout while getting out of the car to the outside of the Seattle Tacoma Airport. "Are we actually just going to fly from Seattle to North Carolina on the fly. How are we even going to pay for this?!" 

"Finn, do you know who you're talking to right now. I don't have to pay for plane tickets anymore. My uncle, Frank, works here and I know he is here today. My mom knows and your mom thinks that you are going to my house for the week and my mom is going to cover for you. This is going to be perfectly fine. Now come on, we have to leave, like in an hour." He assures while shutting the trunk of the car with our bags in hand. We walk into the airport and I stop in the doorway and take one deep breath. 

This is for you Mills, this is for you. 

"Finn, let's go! Security is going to take a while." He says with the tickets in hand, already walking towards the security lines. I briskly walk towards Gaten trying to step back to reality. 

(I just screamed the words to the song really loudly.) 

We're walking to the large machine, closer and closer to not turning back, shoes in hand and bags on the conveyer belt. I can't stop shaking and staring at the floor while Gaten blabs on about some nerdy science shit. I'm just imagining her, alone, walking on some small road on the wrong side of town, wishing everything away. I want to be there with her, by her side, holding her hand, telling her that it's going to be okay. 

* location skip - Charlotte Douglas International Airport *

"So where the hell are we staying? Which random family member works in the hotel business?!" I speak louder than I meant to. "Sorry, that was rude. I'm just irritated." I apologize.

"It's okay man, I get it. We aren't for such yet but Noah's cousin lives a few blocks away from here. There's a restaurant near by and other things too. Come on, let's at least walk towards there. I'm just waiting for Noah to text back." He says softly while grabbing my shoulder. He's being incredibly helpful and kind and affectionate. 

"Okay, that sounds better than standing here all night." I chuckle while walking away from the airport. "I really appreciate everything you're doing for me Gaten. I really do. You're being nothing but nice to me and it's very generous. Thank you." I smile at him while walking backward. 

"Anything for you, a friend of mine." He laughs. We walk and walk and walk until we are about to get to the house when Gaten's phone goes off. 

"Fuck!" He screams. I don't have to ask to figure out the text. I pull out my phone and try calling the one person I know who lives here, my brother, Nick. 

"Hello? Finn, what's wrong." Nick mumbles half asleep. We're only a two-minute walk from his house that we visited last summer so I start running.

"Hey, Nick. I need a favor. Go outside in one minute. I love you and I'll explain soon." I hang up, still running with Gaten on my tail. 

"Where are we going?" "What is this?" "Finn!" He yells at me while I keep running. I stop at the pretty blue house at the end of the culdesac and stand on his porch. I listen from inside....

"57.....58....59....60!" He says opening the door. "Fuck! Finn what the hell! What are you doing here!" He questions while pulling me in for a hug. 

"It's a long story, starting with can we crash her for a few days? Two maybe three at the most?" I ask calmly. He nods and smiles and lets us in. He shows us the house and our rooms. He has a three bedroom house and his roommates just moved out. After a while, we sit down in the living room and Gaten and I explain everything that happened and why we are here. The cover story and everything. 

"Listen, I just need you to not tell mom you know we are here. She'll kill me and Gaten, please just do me a solid." I beg. He agrees and gets up and looks at us in the eyes. 

"I'll help you only because I care about you and I've always liked the Millie girl. You have one week to stay here and find her or else I'm calling mom and getting you out of here. I love you FInn but this is fucking insane. You're going to find her and I'll try to help you as much as I can but safety first. You have to be smart and safe." He looks at me with a blank face and I stand up and look at him with the same explanation. 

"Two weeks at most okay? I'll be out of here before you know it, Nick. I promise. Thank you for doing this." I walk over and give him a hug before walking upstairs with Gaten behind me. 

"So now here's the question, where would she be? Has she ever talked about where she would go or places that she loved here? Anything that could possibly give us a lead?" He asks sitting down on the floor in my room. 

"I have a few places in my head but I highly doubt she'll be there. She loved to go to her library and hide in the corner reading Stephen King books all day. She loved her elementary school playground and just swing on the swing for hours. She would go to this tree at the lake and sit there for practically forever. There are tons more but I can't think of any...I'm too tired to think right now. I need to sleep." I lie. I just needed to be alone. I don't want to talk to anyone and see anyone. 

*time skip - the next morning* 

"Finn, I found the chocolate pudding!" Gaten screams at me while I walk down the hall into the kitchen. I nod, rubbing the back of my neck and walking towards the counter to the note on top of the donut box. 

Go get her, you can do this Finn. Also, eat a fricken donut mate! -N

"Morning Sunshine!?" Gaten chuckles at me handing me a cup of coffee and staring at me dazed. 

"You look dead inside. DId you sleep after I went to my room last night?" He questions looking at my eyes and shaking his head. I shake my head no and he just hugs me tightly. 

"We'll find her okay. She's somewhere here, she is going to be okay." He whispers and I sigh and hug him back. 

"It hurts, Gaten. She's out there, possibly alone and scared. She might be hurt or worse. It hurts not knowing what's going to happen. I may never see her again." I softly start crying into Gaten's shoulder and just lay there. 

Because it's true, I may never get to see her again.


Yo yo yo my bro! 

(If Dannie reads this she will understand that. Byler af :) ) 

Update soon to come, I've finally been getting back into the swing of writing again and I like it a lot. I don't remember why or how I stopped writing but somehow, I did. I love you guys and I promise I'm going to try to keep updating. Thank you for the support. 


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