Just A Dream... (An Introductory Chapter.)

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Eyes as red as the flames climbing up from hell itself, and skin as pale as fresh snow on an early December morning. Teeth sharp enough to break skin upon the slightest amount of pressured contact, and an unquenchable thirst for blood. All of which our darling Matt was now cursed with.

In an instant the bloodshot eyes of our main character shot open. His entire body sprang upwards into a sitting position within seconds as shallow breaths shook his entire body. "Just.. a dream.." he whispered in an attempt to calm himself down.

Outside, the morning sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, but its light could not quite reach the darkened area of the terrors that spooked this new dweller of the night. Horrific memories flooded through the head of the ginger like a sick movie meant for the entertainment of an unseen audience. The painful thoughts seemed to pound at his skull the more he tried to push them away; and the act of attempting to do so managed to only bring tears to his eyes. "Just a dream.."

He brought a shaky hand up to his neck, allowing his bony fingers to brush gently over the barely-healed puncture wounds resting within his skin. It wasn't just a dream. Matt sighed, allowing it all to sink in yet again as he dropped his hand back by his side. What he had just witnessed was not a dream, but a memory. A memory that he desperately wished he could forget.

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