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Matt stood outside of Edd's bedroom, his legs shaking below him and his stomach going crazy. He could practically smell the other as he neared the door. "Is something the matter Ma-" before the brunette's words could fully escape his lips, Matt was already standing too close. The shorter male jumped at the sight, nearly closing the door on the ginger out of reflex.

"Edd listen. I need to tell you something... I don't think you'll like it." Matt whispered, closing his eyes in an attempt to keep from staring. He clenched his jaw, trying hard to ignore how he felt. He couldn't bring himself to finish his thought. Maybe coming to Edd was a mistake..

The shorter male looked at the other, obviously worried. He allowed his gaze to run over the taller male, taking in his sickly features. Matt was thin. Too thin. And more pale than normal. He seemed to be quite out if it as well. Maybe even tired. "Matt you're my best friend. Whatever it is that you need to say will never change that." He murmured, reaching up to rest a hand on the ginger's cheek. He nearly pulled away immidiately when he felt just how cold Matt's skin was. It was shocking in the least, and concerning at most.

The small touch was just enough to push the taller male over the edge. Something about the warmth of Edd's hand against his cheek was intoxicating. He couldn't control himself. Matt's eyes snapped open, settling their gaze directly to the neck of the one in front of him. He ran his tongue over his teeth and sucked in a short breath before forcefully shoving the other into the wall. The quick hit knocked the air out of Edd's lungs and worry quickly filled the pit of his stomach. "H-hey! What was that for!?" He yelped, furrowing his brow at the other. Matt couldn't bring himself to reply. He couldn't think. Couldn't stop himself. He was no longer in control.

As if instinctively, Matt leaned in towards Edd's neck. He made absolute sure to keep the other firmly pressed to the wall so he couldn't get away. Edd was too stunned to attempt an escape, though. Plus, he had no idea what in the hell was going on so breaking free did not seem necessary.

After what seemed like ages, the vampire's lips rested on the neck of the brunette. Edd's face almost immidiately flushed red in response to that particular action, though he wasn't complaining. "What.. are you doing?"

Matt's lips danced across Edd's skin quickly, trying to find the perfect area to finally find satisfaction. He stopped in a particular place, the words of the other not even making it to his ears as he did. Without a moments hesitation, Matt sunk his fangs into the cushy skin of Edd's neck.

The brunette's hands quickly gripped onto Matt's shirt as he sucked in a sharp breath of air. "M-matt! That hurts!!"

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